
by Loui

Earth: Final Conflict is copyright © Tribune Entertainment and Roddenberry/Kirschner. No infringement of that copyright is intended by this story.
"Vigil" is copyright © Loui.

A tentative voice saying, "Excuse me, Ms. Palmer," roused Renee from her unhappy vigil. Summoning a tired smile, she turned to face the all too familiar face of Marie Harris, the ICU nurse assigned to Liam's room.

In the past four days, she had come to know the entire ICU nursing staff on a first name basis and, not wishing to say anything against them or the great work they did, she really wished that she'd never had to set sight on any of them.

"Marie, I've told you before. Call me Renee."

The forty-something nurse walked into the room and cast a quick glance over the charts detailing Liam's progress. Her smile brightened Renee's day and eased her worries somewhat. Dr. Park had been called away before she'd had a chance to update her on Liam's prognosis and she'd been sitting here anxiously waiting for her return for over an hour now.

Hope and concern warring in her eyes, Renee said, "Is he getting better?"

Marie placed a gentle hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring smile. "All signs are, the Major is going to pull through just fine."

"Then why hasn't he woken up?" demanded an anxious Renee.

"Hush now," chided Marie, softly. "His body knows what it needs to recover. The Volunteers and Agent Sandoval got him out of the ruins of the building in time. What injuries he sustained are healing. Dr. Park is keeping a very close watch on him. He'll wake up when he's ready."

Sighing, Renee leaned forward to brush a gentle hand through Liam's tousled hair. He looked so peaceful lying there. Untroubled by life. "I just wish he'd wake up and speak to me. That's all."

Renee sat back and stretched in the uncomfortable chair that had been her home away from him since Liam had been transferred to this room. She looked up at Marie and grinned apologetically.

"I'm sorry. Did you want to see me about something?"

Marie nodded.

"There are a group of about five children at the main reception area asking to visit the Major. They insist that he knows them and they just want to see that he's all right."

Renee's tired mind took a few moments to take that in. She looked down at Kincaid's sleeping form. It was possible. Liam tended to look out for the kids in his neighbourhood. He'd even talked to her about them on more than one occasion. He'd want them to be taken care of. Reassured.

She rose to her feet, saying, "I'll come down and see them. Reception, you said?"

At Marie's nod, Renee motioned her forward. Marie was half way to the door when she realised Ms. Palmer had stopped. She turned to see Ms. Palmer - Renee - place a gentle hand on Major Kincaid's cheek, and drop a quick, chaste kiss on his forehead. Marie heard her say, "I'll be back soon, Liam."

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Last modified August 5th, 2002.
Trudy A. Goold/