Unexpected Hero

by Loui

Earth: Final Conflict is copyright © Tribune Entertainment and Roddenberry/Kirschner. No infringement of that copyright is intended by this story.
"Unexpected Hero" is copyright © Loui.
Author's Notes: I have no idea where this came from...

Renee Palmer wandered around the fringes of the party wishing fervently that she were at home, with her feet up and reading a good book. There were times that being a high-powered business executive were less than fun and this was most definitely one of them.

A new Mayor had been sworn in and naturally, there had to be a party. Urban renewal, youth initiatives and policing all had to take a back seat to an ostentatious party to prove that the new administration had connections and clout to impress the wealthy, bored elite of Washington DC. God, she hated these things!

The prospect of the party had been moderately appealing when Liam had agreed to act as her escort. It annoyed the debutantes and their mothers when she arrived at these shindigs with eligible young men; particularly the elusive Liam Kincaid. The Protector to the North American Companion was a catch and he simply wouldn't play the game and date the correct young ladies. It was actually quite funny; especially when she protested - truthfully - that she and Kincaid were only friends. She could practically hear the teeth grinding.

Unfortunately, Liam had been called to Tokyo last minute to take over security for the Japanese Companion at the trade talks when his own Protector had been taken with a case of acute appendicitis the day before.

Rather than scrambling for an escort at the last minute she had decided to 'go stag'. It wasn't the first time and it wouldn't be the last that she'd had to do that. Unfortunately, she seemed to have picked up an admirer. The Mayor's younger brother had decided that she was besotted with him. Jeremiah Smythe was in his middle thirties, acted like a spoilt adolescent and drank way too much and she'd spent the better part of an hour avoiding him.

Just as she thought she had finally managed to get him to accept her message to 'back off', he was back again! He was growing more and more insistent that she 'come dance and have some fun' and she was getting heartily sick of it!

"Knock it off, Jeremiah and go sleep it off!"

Suddenly, he turned nasty. In a slurred but menacing tone, he said, "Maj-- Maj-- Kincaid's not here to help you this time... I've always wondere' if you are as ice cold as you look..."

He grabbed at her arm and she slapped his face. His face reddened with anger and he made a move to grab her shoulders but he never connected. A tuxedoed arm appeared round his throat and a little leverage was used to force him to his knees. Renee blinked in astonishment as she recognised her rescuer.

Sandoval looked at her and - oh my god - did he just wink?! Tone cold, he said, "Apolgoise to Ms. Palmer, Mr Smythe. Now."

Almost whimpering, Jeremiah complied.

Dismissing him from his thoughts, Sandoval offered his arm to Renee. Too stunned to say anything, she let him lead her to the dance floor. Quietly, he asked, "Are you all right, Ms. Palmer?"

Renee gave a shaky laugh and said, "I'll be fine. Thank you."

Sandoval gave a shrug as they moved across the dance floor. "I hate drunks and I hate bullies."

After that, they danced in a companionable silence. He raised her fingers to his lips and gallantly bid her a good night before returning to his own companion for the evening.

In her limousine on her way home, Renee Palmer played over the events of the evening in her mind. Sandoval was just full of surprises. One thought caused her to give a sad smile. The gallantry that occasionally irritated her about Kincaid was obviously a family trait. The Taelons may have twisted Sandoval but they hadn't managed to erase every spark of decency from the man. All you had to do was look beneath the surface and it was there, carefully hidden. She'd never make the mistake of misjudging him again.

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