To Do Lists - A Taelon Variation

by Loui

Earth: Final Conflict is copyright © Tribune Entertainment and Roddenberry/Kirschner. No infringement of that copyright is intended by this story.
"To Do Lists - A Taelon Variation" is copyright © Loui.

"Da'an, what are you doing?" asked a curious Zo'or. He'd watched - almost mesmerised - as his parent persisted in acting completely against Taelon nature.

Da'an looked up, fingers stilling the pencil that he had been using to scribble on a small notepad, and tilted his head to one side as he assessed whether or not his child was simply in one of his moods or if he was actually showing genuine interest in what he had been doing. Surprisingly enough, it appeared to be the latter.

"I am compiling a 'to-do' list. It is a human custom that I have observed amongst the Volunteer and civilian staff stationed in the Washington Embassy. They compile lists of outstanding tasks in order of priority and then check them off as each task is completed."

A slight frown marred Zo'or's face. "They cannot just remember what needs to be done and do it?"

Da'an gave a slight smile. "I'm sure they can, Zo'or. I have observed, however, that they seem to prefer to compile their lists. It seems to give them pleasure to list these tasks and then check them off one by one."

"I see," said Zo'or. Though Da'an suspected, by the somewhat doubting tone in his child's voice, that Zo'or still wasn't completely clear on the seeming necessity of these 'lists'.

"May I ask why you are using that thing rather than a datapad?"

This time, Da'an's smile was almost fond as he said, "I have observed that the humans prefer to compile these lists on paper. They seem to take great delight in crushing them up into small projectiles when their tasks have been completed and targeting them into waste receptacles.

"I have observed them to be quite enthusiastic in these activities. They will cheer a colleague if they successfully target the receptacle and either tease or commiserate with a colleague that is off-target.

"I find the entire ritual fascinating."

Zo'or was about to respond but an incoming message from the American President interrupted them and the matter was set aside.

Later that day when he was in his private quarters, Zo'or stood - somewhat irritated - holding a notepad and a pencil. He could do this. If a human could compile a to-do list, then the leader of the Taelon Synod could too.

Abstractedly, he began to walk, stepping on several of the discarded paper projectiles that contained his initial failed efforts to make a list. As thoughts struck him, he began to jot them down on the paper he was holding. Ten minutes later, he looked at his list and smiled.

#1 Order a full systems check of the mothership's main computer system at the most inconvenient time possible.

#2 Find a reason to call Agent Sandoval to the bridge for censure.

#3 Pick a new subject of experimentation from the prisoners currently being held on the mothership.

#4 Find a reason to recall both Agents Sandoval and Tate to the mothership for censure.

#5 Summon Da'an to the mothership to demand an explanation for his recent behaviour. (He'll have done something he doesn't want me to know about. I know him. I know his methods).

#6 Summon Agent Sandoval, Agent Tate and Major Kincaid to the mothership. Yell at them for something - whether they are to blame or not.

#7 Arrange another assassination attempt on Hubble Urick.

#8 Censure all the humans on the mothership for shoddy work.

#9 Blow something up.

Zo'or looked at his list and smiled malevolently. Da'an was right about this human ritual. These to-do lists were an interesting idea.

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Last modified August 5th, 2002.
Trudy A. Goold/