Old Business Revisited

by Loui

Earth: Final Conflict is copyright © Tribune Entertainment and Roddenberry/Kirschner. No infringement of that copyright is intended by this story.
"New Cause to Fight" is copyright © Loui.
Author's Notes: This was written before the third season was aired in the UK.

As Nicholas stood watch that night, he was lost in remembrance. The roof that he and his companion were currently occupying offered a clear field of view covering all access to the front and back of the building being used as the temporary headquarters for the Resistance.

At twenty Nicholas felt about ten years older. He had been in the Resistance for three years now. Three years of hell. He thought back with disgust to the innocent days of his teens, the arrival of the Taelons had seemed to herald a golden age for the human race. It had seemed like a great time to be a kid. Then within a few years the cracks had started to show. The benevolence of the Taelons was shown to be nothing more than self-serving desperation, the Resistance movement had done it's best but in the end they had been defeated.

Nicholas still remembered the shock he had felt when the Resistance leader had been identified and captured. Liam Kincaid had been thought by many to be the 'poster boy' for the Taelon cause. The Taelons had not even bothered to even give the suggestion of a fair trial and, over the protests of the human authorities, they had announced their intention to execute the Resistance leader and broadcast it to the world to remind humanity of the cost of disobedience. Then came the next big shock, the escape.

The world had watched in disbelief as the preparations for the execution were broadcast on worldwide television. A squad of Volunteers had brought in Liam under close escort. That was when all hell broke loose. A skrill blast knocked one of the Taelon 'witnesses' into the void, as they called it; and the next thing everyone saw was Sandoval aiming directly at Zo'or's head.

"Release Liam or he dies."

It was so unexpected; even the human race considered Sandoval as a lost cause, he had seemed devoted to the Taelons. Liam had only smiled as though he had expected it. With Zo'or as a hostage they had successfully made their way to an ID portal and vanished into the shadows. Liam had returned to the Resistance, Sandoval with him. Neither had ever offered an explanation for Sandoval's actions no matter what rumours and speculation they encountered.

Within the space of a year the situation had changed. The Jaridians had arrived, most of the Taelon fleet had been destroyed and Zo'or surrendered. Not long after the Jaridians executed her, this didn't cause humanity as much joy as it should have done. Why? Zo'or surrendered on behalf of both the Taelons and humanity; that was why!

Sold out by the Taelons, humanity became a conquered species. Some of the human race was shipped off to Jaridian controlled planets to become workers, some just disappeared. For the remainder life continued, sort of.

A strict curfew was operated and many restrictions on personal freedom were imposed. Punishment for breaking these laws was severe. Most of those caught preferred death. The alternative was exile off planet as a worker, or a sentence to one of the re-education camps. All personnel who had ever served the Taelons had huge prices on their heads, the former Companion Protectors most of all. The only hope was the Resistance.

New members joined surviving members of the campaign against the Taelons, once again the human race was fighting for its freedom. There were two people leading the Resistance, the two most hunted people on the planet. Kincaid and Sandoval. As former protectors and current Resistance leaders they were safe nowhere, undaunted they led the fight anyway.

At seventeen Nicholas had been orphaned when his parents were killed attempting to escape off world transportation. He had been left to survive on the streets, which had not been easy. As the child of two 'offenders', anyone helping him would feel the wrath of the Jaridians.

He had been cornered one day in an alley by a group of violent thugs that had found free rein for their violence under sponsorship from the Jaridians. He had not expected to survive, ready to give up he had looked up to see a blur of action. Two men in black had appeared out of nowhere and jumped into the fight. More to the point they were kicking the hell out of his attackers! The thugs realising they were outmatched had turned and ran, Nicholas hurt and bleeding had stumbled to his feet to say thanks.

The words had dried up in his throat when he realised who his rescuers were, what the hell were the Resistance leaders doing risking themselves to rescue a kid?! "Come with us, it's not safe for you out here," said Kincaid. Mutely Nicholas had nodded his agreement and followed the two men. That was how he had entered the Resistance.

He had been cared for and trained to fight. He found a family to replace the one that had been taken from and a cause to believe in. Coming back to the present Nicholas renewed his concentration on his watch. There was no way he would let anyone destroy his new family, not if he could help it. He sighed and settled in for a long cold night.

Nicholas looked up uneasily from where he was sitting. The tension in the room was palpable, the fight had been going on for over an hour, silence had fallen a couple of minutes ago but nobody yet had managed to work up the nerve to go talk to them. Sandoval stuck his head round the door of his temporary office obviously looking for someone, his eyes lit on Nicholas and he motioned with a jerk of his head for Nicholas to enter the office.

Feeling the eyes of the others in the room on him Nicholas heaved a sigh and made his way to the office thinking, 'Why me?' He entered the office to see Liam leaning on the far wall, fuming. "Have I done something wrong?" asked Nicholas nervously. Both Liam and Sandoval were quick to assure him that he was not in any trouble. "Why the long faces then?" asked Nicholas.

Sandoval gave a look to Liam that Nicholas remembered from his childhood. His dad used to give him a look like that when he tried to talk his way into something that had already been given the 'parental veto'.

"There is a new mission coming up. It's going to be extremely dangerous; we're going to need your help to pull it off."

"What is it?"

Sandoval continued, "There is some tactical information we need from the computers in the old Taelon Embassy in Washington DC."

Nicholas gave him a shocked look. "You mean the HQ for the new Jaridian controlled police? Are you crazy?!"

"My sentiments exactly," muttered Liam.

Sandoval gave Liam another look to be quiet and said, "Yes, Nicholas. I'm the only one with enough knowledge of the systems to be able to get in and out quickly. So I've come up with a plan.

"We're going to arrange for my capture. I'll be taken there for questioning, obviously. You and Liam wait twenty-four hours and then you two come in and stage a rescue. In the confusion I'll have enough time to get the information we need before we escape."

Nicholas stood there looking from man to man. Dear God, they are serious! thought Nicholas.

"I still say it's too risky! We'll find another way," said Liam.

"Liam, I know you're scared and I'm sorry. We both know we are the only two familiar enough with the Embassy systems to pull this off and I have more familiarity with the systems than you do. Besides, I need you and Nicholas on the outside to get me back out again in one piece."

Liam sighed and finally agreed. Nicholas still didn't understand the dynamics of the relationship between the two men, but he knew he'd follow them into hell if they asked. He said, "When do we start?"

The car was shrouded in silence, neither of the two occupants speaking. The older of the two kept glancing at his watch, waiting impatiently. Watching Liam check the time - again - Nicholas sat there thanking all that was holy that they would be going after Sandoval soon. It had been three days since he had been briefed on the proposed mission, and Sandoval had been taken as planned.

Nicholas had spent those days watching Liam grow more and more withdrawn; Sandoval had noticed it too. He'd spent as much time as he could before the mission trying to convince Liam that he was going to be OK. Then he'd talked to Nicholas.

Nicholas cast his mind back to the conversation he'd had with Sandoval. Sandoval had been nervous, something he had never expected to see. It had been the night before he was due to be taken, Liam had finally gone to get some sleep and Sandoval had asked Nicholas to stay behind for a quick last minute briefing.

"Nicholas can you keep an eye on Liam for me, please? I'm worried that he's going to do something rash if something goes wrong. Keep him in line. Don't let him rush in before its time. I know he only wants to keep me safe but you're going to have to keep him from acting too early."

"You're kidding right...? You're serious" Sandoval, we all learned a long time ago that the connection between you two isn't to be messed with. On the few occasions either of you has been hurt we've all watched the other practically self-destruct. Nobody, and I mean nobody dares to come between you and now you want me to keep Liam from worrying while you're in danger? He'll eat me for breakfast and spit out my bones!"

Sandoval smiled at the younger man, laughing at his tone, wincing inwardly because he knew his statement was true and something had to be done about that. Liam had to be made to make other friends, other connections... Much as he loved being with his son, he accepted - even if Liam didn't - that Liam was far more likely to survive him rather than the other way about. That was why he was talking to Nicholas; the boy was one of the few people Liam socialised with within the Resistance.

"Liam listens to you Nicholas, I know it'll be difficult but he's more likely to listen to you than anybody else within the Resistance, that's why I picked you to go in with him when you come to get me." Nicholas had wanted to disagree but knowing it wasn't what Sandoval needed to hear right then he'd said he'd try.

Now twenty-three hours after Sandoval had been taken Nicholas was sitting there praying he was OK, he didn't think Liam would survive if he weren't. He'd witnessed first hand Liam's rage and fear. Rage that there had been no other way to get this much needed information than by risking Sandoval, fear that he might have to pay too high a price for that information. Liam gave final glance at his watch and said in a controlled tone, "It's time."

He signalled the Resistance team in charge of disrupting the former Embassy's power supply for the necessary two minutes that he and Nicholas needed to sneak in to get Sandoval. This power disrupt would also allow Sandoval the chance to escape his cell and to head for a quiet terminal to access the information. All he and Nicholas had to do was get in, find Sandoval, and get back out again, safely.

An hour and a half later Nicholas was driving back to a safe house, Liam and Sandoval were in the back. Liam, pale with worry, was tending Sandoval's injuries as best as he could. He'd already signalled his old friend Dr Park who was waiting on them at the safe house; she was ready. He was murmuring reassurances to the obviously fatigued man; Nicholas didn't hear most of it, though one phrase did stick in his mind. He could have sworn he'd heard Liam say, "Hang on, Dad. Not much longer now."

Nicholas decided to say no more about it, he wasn't sure he was ready to deal with the answer anyway. A few hours later Nicholas finally managed to persuade Liam to rest. "Liam, he's asleep and so should you be! Did you think I hadn't noticed that you haven't slept more than twelve hours in the last three days? I promise I'll wake you as soon as he comes round. Sleep! That's an order boss!" Liam had almost smiled, Nicholas grinned back at him. As he placed a blanket over him he heard Liam murmur, "Thanks, Nicholas. For everything."

About a month had passed since Sandoval's rescue. At first Liam had hardly left his side, he had been badly shaken by how closely he came to losing Sandoval.

Understanding this, Sandoval had been patient; after all he felt kind of the same way himself. After all, he had come far too close to losing Liam on more than one occasion in the past. Eventually though, he had begun to push Liam to go back out into the field. One effect of the mission had been for the Resistance members to request that only one member of the leadership be out in the field at any one time, except in emergencies. One disaster could wipe out the entire command structure.

Sandoval had taken the opportunity to get Liam to interact more with other Resistance members. Liam had been teamed with various people to carry out some routine missions; some had been uncomfortable working with him. Coming as no surprise to Sandoval, the person Liam worked best with was Nicholas.

Ever since they had brought him into the Resistance, Nicholas had had a severe case of hero-worship for Liam. Over the last three years that had changed into respect. Nicholas would still follow Liam into Hell and back out the other side again if he asked him, but now he would not hesitate to question Liam if he felt he was taking too big a risk. That was what Sandoval wanted, someone who would back up his son without hesitation but who would also not hesitate to give him a kick in the butt if the situation required it.

Liam and Nicholas became an unofficial team; they were assigned to more and more dangerous missions, as their partnership grew stronger. Nicholas knew what Sandoval was doing, and he suspected Liam did too, neither talked about it.

The next few months passed in a blur, Sandoval co-ordinated some stunning victories against the Jaridian occupation forces and Nicholas and Liam became recognised as the premier strike team of the Resistance. One morning Nicholas was sitting in Sandoval's office getting an update on their next assignment, Liam had been delayed while talking to an informant; he was on his way in, but for now it was just Nicholas and Sandoval.

Suddenly Sandoval slumped forward over his desk holding his head in his hands, obviously in severe pain. Gasping Nicholas rushed round the side of the desk to support him, "Hang on I'll get help!"

Sandoval stopped him with a hand on his arm. He gasped out, "No, Nicholas there's nothing they can do. I've known this was coming for a while now. Contact Liam and tell him to get here as quick as he can. Tell him I said it's time."

Nicholas didn't like the sound of this at all and this was one call he didn't want to make. He did it though. He had been shocked to hear the fear in his friend's voice and the panic. Liam said he'd be there in half an hour. By now everyone else in the HQ knew something was seriously wrong with Sandoval, nobody seemed to want to talk. They just sat there quietly, waiting.

Liam burst through twenty-five minutes later calling out, "Where is he?!" The others pointed to Sandoval's office; Liam took a deep breath and opened the door.

Seeing Sandoval leaning against Nicholas for support, Liam's face paled and he dropped to his knees beside them grasping Sandoval's hands in his own. In a faint, laboured tone Sandoval spoke. "Liam, I'm so glad you got here in time. I've been waiting so I could say goodbye."

Tears streaming down his cheeks, Liam said hoarsely, "No! Please don't leave me alone. You're all I have left!"

Sandoval raised a shaking hand to Liam's cheek. "Liam, we both knew this day would come. The CVI has lasted longer than I ever dared to hope. I've cherished every day I've had the chance to spend with you but it's time to let me go, my son. I'll be watching over you with your mother and you'll have Nicholas to look after you here."

Weeping Liam said, "I love you Dad." He leaned forward to kiss his father's forehead, and as he did so he felt him fall limp. He was gone. Liam looked up at Nicholas with anguish in his eyes; Nicholas himself had tears streaming down his face. He gently placed Sandoval back against his chair and dropped down to the floor beside Liam.

He cradled Liam in his arms allowing his friend to let go of his grief, crying himself; both for the friend he had lost, and for the friend whose heart was breaking.

Liam gazed out the window and heaved a sigh of frustration. The past two weeks had been a nightmare; the only thing that had kept him going had been Nicholas. The other man had spent the first two nights since Sandoval died in a constant vigil at Liam's side. Only when Liam had promised to get some rest and not do anything foolish had Nicholas surrendered to his own fatigue and rested. Nicholas had also managed to keep the rest of the Resistance in line. Some felt Liam's grief was excessive. Nicholas put them in their place without revealing the truth about Liam and Sandoval's true relationship.

Unfortunately nothing could be done about the fact that Liam was now the lone figure in command of the Resistance. He had been removed from field operations over his bitter objections... who would back up Nicholas with him sitting on his butt secure in HQ?

No matter how Liam raged the Resistance held firm on the matter, they couldn't lose him too. Nicholas operated by himself now, except for those Resistance agents who backed him up during his operations.

Liam's thoughts were disturbed by a commotion out in the communications centre of the HQ. He went over to find out what was going on. They didn't want to tell him, that much was obvious. "The team is coming in, sir. Mission accomplished. But..."

"But what?" asked Liam with a sense of impending doom.

"The back up team stood down, thinking the mission was over; they never noticed the surviving trooper aiming at them. Nicholas did. He shoved them out of the line of fire but was injured himself in the process."

"What! No not again! I'm not losing anyone again! Contact Dr Park and get her here now! As for the team that screwed up, split them up and send them back to Hayley for more training. Tell her I don't want them back till they've learned to follow orders and follow mission profiles!"

Half an hour later, an anxious Liam was busy pacing back and forth awaiting an initial report from Dr Park. His heart had almost stopped when he had first seen Nicholas, how could anybody survive that much blood loss? He stopped pacing when he heard Dr Park approaching. "It's not as bad as it looks, Liam. I promise. I'll repair the damage and given time he'll make a full recovery. Go rest, I'll call you when you can go in and see him."

Liam looked at her with haunted eyes. "This time, he'll recover this time. What about the next? He's too important to me, I can't risk losing him. The only person I trust to back him up is me and I'm stuck here!"

"I know how you feel about him, Liam, but now with your father gone we need you here. Until we can have someone else co-ordinating operations here you can't be risked; you know that."

Liam just looked at her and sighed, he knew she was right. He went to get some coffee. He had meant what he said. Nicholas' safety was too important. Then he smiled... there was a way. He'd have to do some fast talking, but it was the only way. He went into his office and opened up a secure communication. He was still talking when the messenger Dr Park sent him knocked on the door of his office. The messenger heard him say; "I'll see you tomorrow then. The guards will be alerted to expect you."

The messenger entered the office and said, "Dr Park says to come now. He'll be awake for a few moments then he needs to get some rest."

Liam rushed past the messenger and in to the hospital room. Nicholas was lying there while Dr Park took some more readings. His eyes brightened when he saw Liam come through the door.

"Hey, Liam! Doc said you'd be stopping by."

Dr Park left the room to give them some privacy and Liam dropped into the seat at the bedside, grasping Nicholas' forearm as he did so. "Don't you ever do that again! You scared me half to death, I thought I'd lost you too."

Nicholas laid his hand over top of Liam's. "I'm sorry I worried you, but I was just doing what you taught me, you know that." Liam sighed.

"I know, little brother, but I worry about you."

Nicholas blinked at the term Liam used, he loved the man like a brother he'd just never thought Liam felt that way too.

"I've found a way for us to work together again."

Stunned, Nicholas asked how. Liam just grinned and said he'd save that surprise for tomorrow. He dropped a quick kiss on Nicholas's forehead and told him to get some rest.

The next morning Liam addressed the assembled members of the Resistance. "I know I've been a bit distant since Sandoval died and I thank you for your patience. I've been doing some thinking since then and the events of yesterday just firmed the thought in my mind. We need a dual leadership that can share responsibilities and perform necessary operations.

"I've contacted somebody that can help us and help me. I'm going back into the field; I believe I can do most good there. This person will function in the same capacity as Sandoval did; co-ordinationg operations and helping me plan new offensives. He's not new to Resistance activities and he's graciously agreed to my request to join us."

Just then the guards signalled the new leader's arrival. A hush descended on the Resistance members. Who was it? The man entered the main chamber and gasps echoed round it.

"Hello," said Jonathan Doors.

Liam and a now fully recovered Nicholas were working out in the exercise area of the main base. Most operatives stayed there during mission planning but didn't live there full time. The leadership didn't have that luxury; their faces were too well known, it wasn't safe out in the 'real' world.

The current HQ did allow for spacious living quarters and training areas, and it was here Nicholas and Liam were sparring as Nicholas got his reaction times back up to full speed. They had gathered an audience as the session went on. At first nobody had paid that much attention to them, Resistance operatives used the exercise area to train and to let off steam all the time.

A couple of people had started to pay attention when they stepped the pace up a level, the blows and kicks seemed to fly, as did the counter-blocks, some so fast that they were hard to see. Nicholas suddenly signalled for a stop. Liam approached him with a concerned expression on his face. "I told you to take it easy, Nicholas."

"I know! I was having too much fun, though."

Liam laughed, and gently whacked him on the back of the head, saying, "Take it easy, kid."

A month had passed since Nicholas had returned to active duty and he and Liam were just entering the HQ after their second successful mission since then. They had managed to liberate several dozen scientists that had been imprisoned for refusing to aid in Jaridian experiments on human prisoners. They were walking down the corridor when Liam stumbled; Nicholas caught him preventing him falling to the floor, as he did so he called out for help.

An hour later an irritated Liam was trying to persuade Jonathan, Dr Park and Nicholas that he was fine. He wasn't having much luck.

"If you're fine you wouldn't have collapsed."

It was hard for Liam to argue in the face of that. Besides, Nicholas had gone in to full protect mode, how could he argue with that? He did it to Nicholas all the time, now the tables were turned. "I'll tell you what's going on, but not here. Jonathan's office is more secure."

Liam sat facing the others trying to think how to word what had happened and what he had to do without the others going ballistic. "There's been a new development. Four prisoners have been brought back from within the Jaridian Empire."

The three shared a confused look. Jonathan asked what they were all thinking. "How do you know that, Liam? We've received no word from other sources, yet. More to the point, what has that to do with your collapse?"

"Uh, they're Taelons. I felt the disturbance in the Commonality as they were brought aboard the mothership. The Taelons imprisoned there were shocked to see the new arrivals. Da'an is one of the Taelons brought back."

To say the three other occupants of the office were stunned would be an understatement. The Synod had been practically wiped out during the occupation, Da'an was the highest ranking Taelon to survive, and he had been taken back to the Empire as a trophy to be displayed. Nobody had thought he'd ever be seen again. "I need to get him out of there," said Liam quietly.

"What?! He's the enemy!"

"The Jaridians are the enemy, Jonathan!"

"His entire race is responsible for this nightmare! If they hadn't come neither would have the Jaridians."

Liam sighed; this wasn't going as well as he'd hoped. "Hindsight is irrelevant, Jonathan. We have to deal with reality. Da'an knows more about the Jaridians and their strategies than anybody else, he's been fighting them for centuries. We need his knowledge if we ever want to win. Besides, I swore an oath to protect him."

Dr Park, still reeling from what she had heard said, "Liam, that oath no longer stands. Surely when they tried to execute you it negated any promise you gave."

"How did you think Sandoval and I got out of there that day? Da'an arranged for most of the guards to be away from the passages that we took to with Zo'or as we headed for the ID Portal and freedom. After we went through the portal the circuits mysteriously fried and they were unable to trace our destination. Da'an did that. I swore to protect him and I will keep my word, alone if necessary."

Nicholas placed his hand on Liam's shoulder and said, "Never alone, brother. Never alone."

Liam smiled his thanks and turned to Jonathan, a question in his eyes. Jonathan sighed and eventually nodded his approval; he knew they'd go anyway. "Give me twenty-four hours and I'll arrange some help for you."

A meeting was called of the members currently on site at HQ. Nicholas said, "We need some volunteers for a highly dangerous and peculiar rescue mission." One voice called out,

"Whom are we rescuing?"

Liam looked at them and said one word, "Da'an."

Jonathan waited in the car, hidden by its darkened windows. The spotters had indicated that his quarry was on his way. To say he was unsure about this course of action for the Resistance was an understatement, he would back Liam though. He had learned that the hard way.

The younger man had warned what would happen if things had been left the way they were; to both the Resistance and to Da'an. He'd been dismissed as talking nonsense and look at what had happened when the Jaridians came? If he said they needed Da'an; then they'd rescue Da'an. It was that simple. He was distracted from his thoughts when one of his bodyguards signalled that the target was leaving his office building.

After following a safe distance behind, Jonathan's car pulled ahead of the target's car and pulled up at the arranged 'fake' accident. The target car also stopped upon seeing the scene, and at that moment several heavily camouflaged Resistance members surrounded the car and ordered it's occupant to exit with his hands in the air. The man did so, obviously unnerved and scared. One of the Resistance members indicated Jonathan's waiting limo with a wave of his gun and said, "Get in. Now"

The man looked like he wanted to refuse but he obviously thought better of it. He approached the car and as he did so one of the doors was opened from the inside. Hardly daring to breathe, he got in keeping his eyes focused on the floor.

When he heard a familiar voice say, "Hello, Malcolm," his head jerked up in surprised recognition. "Jonathan! What in god's name do you think you're doing?" "We need to have a talk, Malcolm." The car sped off into the night.

Early the next morning Malcolm was back in his office talking to one of his employees.

"On your usual shuttle run to the mothership you are going to be working with some different people. You only talk when they ask you a question. Keep any speculation you have to yourself. Two will stay with you and assist in your usual pick-up, two more will be doing something else, something you don't even think about.


"You wait on them and when they come back and they tell you to go, you get out of there as quickly as possible.

"I'm sorry to get you involved in this but you are the only unmarried and unattached pilot I have on roster just now. You'll be compensated, protected and if necessary relocated."

"Is this really that important, sir?" asked Michael Walters.

"More than you know, Mick, more than you know."

"Okay boss, I'll do it."

Mick went out to the roof of the building to his shuttle, it was one of the larger models, used to carry both equipment and people. He saw a group, which he presumed, was his 'new' crew. He approached them calling out, "Everybody ready to go?"

One of them, their leader, turned round and said, yes. Mick almost missed a step when he recognized him. What on earth? Why would the Resistance leader be going to the mothership? This was suicidal! Obeying his orders, though, he had everybody get in the shuttle and took off for the mothership.

Nicholas and Liam left the pilot with his two helpers/guards and slipped off into the corridors of the mothership. Nicholas couldn't help but be awed by what he was seeing. Liam never even slowed down; then again, he'd worked there for years, this wasn't a shock to him.

Using Liam's knowledge of the ship's layout they had navigated the less used corridors of the ship and made their way to the cells Liam believed Da'an would be in. Nicholas had asked how he could be sure it would be those cells and Liam had replied that they were the most secure on the ship. He should know; it was where they had kept him.

There was only one guard, a human collaborator; why would there be a need for more? The prisoners were in a shielded cell in the heart of the mothership. Liam intended to make them pay dearly for their complacency.

Nicholas approached the guard from behind and knocked him out.

Liam entered the cell while Nicholas kept watch. He saw three Taelons sitting keeping a barrier between anyone entering the cell and the figure lying huddled on the cell floor. Liam was shocked at Da'an's appearance and demeanour; what had the Jaridans done to him?

To say the least, the Taelons were surprised to see a human; one of them gave a gasp. "Liam?"

Da'an stirred as he heard the name. Liam quickly deactivated the force field and entered the cell. Two of the Taelons attempted to stop him from reaching Da'an; but the other, the one who had recognized him, let him through. Liam dropped to his knees and gently grabbed Da'an's forearms. As he did so the connection between he and Da'an once again made itself felt, as it had at Boone's funeral. Da'an seemed to draw some strength from Liam's presence and said, "Why are you here, Liam?"

"To get you out of here and safely down to Earth, of course."

"Why would you do that? We abandoned you, we failed your race."

Liam looked at him and said, "I swore an oath to be your Protector. Then... now... and always. The past is the past, we need to save the future."

Humbled, Da'an bowed his head. Liam turned to the other three Taelons and said, "I only came for him. Will you suffer for this?"

The one that had recognized him blushed and said, "We were chosen to protect him in the last prison he was placed. Our orders from the remainder of our race were to protect him as best as we were able. Now that he'll be free of them we can embrace the void, it is our only remaining freedom."

Liam bowed his head in respect and turned to Da'an. It became apparent that the weakened Taelon would never make the shuttle bay on his own. Over-riding his protests Liam lifted Da'an into his arms and walked out of the cell.

With Nicholas on point they made their way back to the shuttle bay, taking a couple of detours to avoid some Jaridian personnel. Mick was the first to notice them returning and his jaw literally dropped when he saw who Liam was carrying. Luck was still on their side and they managed to conceal Da'an and get him off the ship before he was missed.

Mick was told to accompany them to the HQ; he was blindfolded for his own protection. He'd be returned to his home if it was safe, if not, he'd be relocated. As the group entered the HQ, silence fell; Liam still supported Da'an, although by this point he was at least able to walk. Jonathan came out of his office and Da'an blinked in surprise. The old acquaintances looked at each other for a long moment before Doors approached him saying, "Welcome to the fight old friend."

Da'an had been allowed to rest that first night but the next day there was a great deal of questions to be asked and answered, on both sides. They had decided for ease of convenience to confine their talking to Jonathan's office. Present within the office were Da'an, Jonathan, Liam, Nicholas and Dr Park. The first question Da'an had asked was where was Sandoval? He had realised his mistake when silence fell on the room.

Liam's eyes filled with sorrow and Nicholas placed a hand on his back to steady him. "We lost him a few months ago, Da'an. His CVI finally failed."

Da'an blushed blue and said, "My sorrow at your loss Liam."

Jonathan started talking next. "We'll refrain from any recriminations about past actions but we do need to move forward. Will you help us in the fight against the Jaridians? Liam and I have already talked; if you feel you cannot help us we will have you moved to a new, secure location hidden from the Jaridians.

"Just because Liam got you out of the mothership does not mean you are obligated to help us. It must be your choice, we all hope you will say yes, whatever happens we will respect your decision." Da'an scanned the room noting the hopeful expression in Liam's eyes.

He inclined his head and said, "Your graciousness in offering me my own choice in this matter, I deeply appreciate, especially after the shocking way in which we treated you. If you will permit it, I would be honoured to aid you in your fight."

Liam smiled and all around the room relieved grins broke out. Nicholas asked the next question. "Why were you brought back?" Da'an looked at Liam with a mysterious - even for him - expression on his face.

"I had no knowledge of why they had brought me back until the night before you rescued me. I had never expected or dared to hope that I might be returned to Earth. I was taken before the deputy leader of the Jaridian fleet in Earth space. He was less than pleased to have to recall me but apparently they needed my help. I found that astonishing.

"In the years since our surrender the Jaridians have experimented with the ID drives in their exploration vessels. They have actually made some impressive breakthroughs.

"Liam will remember his journey to an alternate version of Earth when his shuttle engine malfunctioned in ID space. Unfortunately this is not the only alternate reality out there. The Jaridians encountered something I had never even dreamed possible. They encountered the Kimera..."

Liam gave a startled gasp and both Jonathan and Dr Park looked astounded as well.

"However, they were not like the Kimera from our reality, the ones the Taelon race destroyed - apart from Liam's father - the Jaridians felt no fear in approaching them, their philosophy of non-violence is well known.

"These Kimera annihilated all but one ship which managed to flee with the warning. Upon discovering that their counterparts were wiped out they have decided to exact retribution. They want to destroy the Taelons but because the Jardians are from the same ancient race they are destroying them too.

"There are no Kimera doubles in this reality to cause phasing, therefore they are free to remain. They are currently on the far outskirts of the Jaridian Empire and they are wiping out the out-lying colonies. At the rate they are proceeding, they'll be at Earth within months.

"I am the foremost expert on the Taelons' ancient interaction with our Kimera, I was brought back to see if I could help. They were less than pleased with my answers." The others in the office looked at each other in absolute shock. Da'an continued, "Liam may be the only hope to stop them, but even that is what you would call a long shot. In any case, it will take the combined efforts of Humanity, the Jardiains and the surviving Taelons to even have a hope of victory."

Nicholas said what everybody else was thinking. "You've got to be joking! Are you trying to tell us we've got months at best to somehow negotiate a treaty with our sworn enemies, get them to accept the Taelons as allies and form a cohesive force to fight what is probably going to be an overwhelming onslaught by an unstoppable enemy?!"

Da'an gave a deep sigh and nodded. Dr Park who had been silent up till now summed up what the humans were feeling, "God! Is the human race never going to get a break?"

Liam looked up and with a hunted look in his eyes said, "We've at least got to try. It's the only hope we've got."

The next day, after Da'an had dropped his bombshell, there was a strategy session underway in Liam's office. Liam laid out the position as he saw it. "I'll open the floor for comments and suggestions later but for now here is how I see our current position, and what we need to do before the Kimera arrive.

"We have several different areas we are going to have to cover if we are going to stand a chance of even putting up a fight.

"We're going to have to contact the rest of the Resistance organisations and the politicians, those in power thanks to the Jaridians, and those who went into hiding and operate from the sidelines; they are the ones who control the military. If we can't get our own house in order we'll never persuade the Jaridians to work with us.

"Da'an will need to convince the Taelons to fight this time instead of running, and he's going to have to be the one who convinces them to work with the Jaridians. I realise this is a lot to ask after millennia of all out war and after his recent treatment at their hands, but there is no one else to ask.

"We have to get to the Jaridians and tell them we want to help and negotiate a treaty at best; at worst, a truce that'll allow us to concentrate on the Kimera threat. The only way I see us getting to the Supreme Commander after snatching Da'an out from under their noses is to grab one of the Planetary Governors and tell him we want to join the fight. Probably the only way to get them to believe us is for the truth about my heritage to be told.

"If we can convince this Governor we should be able to arrange safe conduct for a meeting with the Supreme Commander.

"We're going to have to persuade the Jaridians to share all the intelligence they have on these Kimera, and if they've been receiving as bad a pounding as Da'an said this won't be easy.

"If we manage to accomplish all that, we still have to work together to develop a strategy for dealing with the Kimera. Is there anything I missed?"

There had been silence throughout Liam's listing of their new goals, it was a daunting list and all there knew it. Nicholas spoke first, "If this is going to happen, and its a big if, I think you're going to have to consider the fact that more than the Jaridians are going to have to be told about your heritage.

"I honestly don't know how many of the Taelons other than Da'an know the truth, but I do think you're going to have to spell everything out to the rest of humanity. Your past with the resistance against the Taelons and your current role as leader of the resistance against the Jaridians is what people know. The fact that you rescued Da'an has raised some eyebrows; proposing a truce and a three-way alliance is bound to do a heck of a lot more. Even when the new threat is explained you might find some who say let the Kimera wipe out the Taelons and Jaridians, seeing nothing beyond getting rid of the two worst enemies that humanity has ever had.

"Your knowledge of the Kimera and their capabilities if used for war will be the only way to convince the sceptics. and the only way they'll believe your knowledge is if they are told where it comes from."

The others nodded their head in agreement, and Liam sighed and acknowledged the truth in what Nicholas had said. Liam looked at the others and said, "Jonathan, contact the Resistance groups and the politicians, I'm sure you know most of them personally.

"Da'an, can you contact the Commonality from here? Good, make the necessary arrangements.

"The Jaridian Governor for America would be the logical choice; he's been trying to catch us long enough. Nicholas I need you to come up with a plan to snatch him. We need to talk face to face and I doubt he'll meet with us willingly. We'll apologise after we talk to him, but first we need to get him!"

The others half smiled at that and started to leave the office, all except Nicholas. He 'd notice a shadow pass over Liam's face as he'd made his case for Liam's heritage being revealed. "What is it, Liam? Don't give me that look! I know you well enough to know that something is bothering you. Tell me," he said in a soft tone.

Liam looked at him with fear in his eyes. "What if they're scared of me? What if they think I'm a freak? Maybe they'll think I'm too dangerous to be left loose."

Nicholas looked shocked at this; surely Liam wasn't really that insecure about people's loyalties. "Liam, are you daft? The Resistance would follow you anywhere... surely you know that! You've saved them all more than once. They are in awe of you. You've been fighting for humanity for years, they know that even when most of humanity believed you were on the wrong side, you fought on their behalf anyway.

"They trust you with their lives because they know you'll always do everything possible to make sure they make it back alive."

"Do you really believe that, Nicholas?" asked Liam.

"Liam, you're the big brother I always wanted and I love you dearly, but I swear if you don't stop worrying about this idiocy I'll thump you! The Resistance loves you, they know you'd willingly give your life to save any one of them, that inspires the kind of loyalty that doesn't waver, ever."

Liam straightened his slumped shoulders and gave Nicholas a smile, "If you say so, little brother. Now get to work, you're supposed to be figuring out how to kidnap a Jaridian Governor, discreetly too. Should be fun for you."

Liam chose to ignore the muttering remark that Nicholas made to that as he left the office. He turned instead and looked at the photo of Sandoval that he kept in his desk drawer. "The secret will be out soon, Dad. I hope they do understand. No matter what they decide to do, I will do my duty. Humanity will be protected. I give you my word."

Nicholas took a deep breath as he approached the building. It was a good thing that Liam was a bit distracted right now. He'd trusted Nicholas to come up with a plan to snatch the Jaridian Governor for America; he hadn't actually asked how it was going to be done.

Just as well, too; if he'd known the plan, he'd have had a heart attack.

Nicholas approached the guards at the door and said, "My name is Nicholas Daniels. I understand you've been looking for me in relation to my Resistance activities."

Nicholas actually found the guards' expressions quite amusing; he'd never seen a Jaridian with a completely astonished look on their face before. If the situation wasn't so serious he would have laughed.

The guards had to call a supervisor. After searching Nicholas thoroughly for weapons, they moved him to a cell. At the same time, the supervisor passed the word up the chain of command. Nicholas was one of the most wanted Resistance figures on the planet; this didn't make sense.

Later the same day word eventually reached the Jaridian governor, and he ordered that Nicholas be brought to his office under heavy guard.

Nicholas stood facing the Governor who was sitting there complacently, behind his desk. It was all he could do not to jump over the desk and throttle him; this Jaridian was the one who had ordered the round up of recalcitrant humans as off world slave labour. His parents had been killed trying to escape transport; now he stood face to face with the person who had destroyed his life and he couldn't touch him. Liam said they needed him alive, and that was the only reason this Jaridian was still breathing.

The governor looked at him for a long moment and then spoke. "I had not realised you were so young. I find it hard to believe you have been such a thorn in our sides. Why did you surrender? It makes no sense."

Nicholas gave a smile; and if the Jaridian had been more used to humans and their expressions, he would have been worried by the dangerous gleam in Nicholas' eyes.

"It was the quickest way to get close to you. The Resistance needs to talk to you, now. Are you going to come quietly?" The Jaridian gave a startled expression, looking at he two guards that had accompanied Nicholas, he said, "I thought he'd been checked for weapons?"

One of the guards answered, "He was, sir."

The governor looked at Nicholas and said, "What nonsense is this?!"

Nicholas said nothing for a moment. He just moved his hands, which had been cuffed in front of him - the idiots - and touched a hidden transmitter on his clothes. There was one on his back too - nothing had been taken for granted - and restrained front or back he would still have been able to send the signal.

"I've just sent a signal to several Resistance teams positioned around the building. They are in position to launch a concentrated barrage at this building, any attempt to shield it will be detected and the strike will be launched, the same situation applies to any attempt to take their positions by force.

"Much as we'd love to level this building, it is not the reason we are here. We want to parley and we knew there was no other way we could guarantee you'd come.

"No harm will come to you, you'll be under a flag of truce. The teams will stay on site to ensure nobody at this end breaks the truce and you have my personal guarantee for your safety. We need you to come now, there is very little time."

The governor realising refusal would lead to bloodshed agreed, besides he was highly intrigued, why did the Resistance want to talk to him? His next surprise was when Nicholas said to head to the roof. There he found that a Resistance pilot had commandeered one of the shuttles.

After ordering his people to take no action unless he was not returned within twenty-four hours he entered the shuttle. Nicholas placed a hood over his head saying, "This material has been designed to be impenetrable to all phases of your vision, this is a simple security measure please bare with us."

The shuttle made several stops and ID jumps to fool any pursuers and to ensure that the governor had no idea where he was. Two hours later the governor, still hooded, was led into the HQ. His hood was removed and as his sight readjusted he saw several armed humans in evidence as well as a who's who of Resistance personnel from around the planet, and Da'an as well. His curiosity was further inflamed.

He caught the end of a conversation between his captor Nicholas and Liam Kincaid.

"...You did what? Are you out of your mind?!"

"Liam, calm down, it worked."

"They could have killed you! Or refused your ultimatum! You are playing games with your life!"

"It worked and I'm fine, we've go too much to be doing to be arguing."

Liam took a deep breath and Nicholas thought for a moment the lecture was going to continue but instead Liam grabbed him in a bear hug. "You scared me half to death. Don't you ever do anything like that again."

About half an hour later, the Resistance representatives, Da'an and the Jaridian 'guest' were in place waiting for Liam to speak. He stepped forward and said, "Thanks to Da'an we have come across some new information that the Jaridians have been keeping from us, they are under attack from a powerful enemy and they are losing.

"The enemy is a race called the Kimera and they are determined to wipe out both the Jaridians and the Taelons, and Earth is in the line of fire. We need to work together if we are to stand a chance of beating them and I'm hereby proposing an alliance between all three races." There was silence for a second and then there was uproar...

The yelling had been going on for over twenty minutes, some of the other Resistance representatives had been shouting that they ought to let the Kimera annihilate the other two races, not be trying to stop them! The Jaridian 'guest' at this unprecedented meeting had been vociferously denying that there was any problem, and that nothing would ever persuade the Jaridian race to ally themselves with two races that they had conquered.

Only those Resistance members already aware of the threat were silent, as was Da'an. They knew the threat; this posturing was achieving nothing and they knew it. They despaired of anyone ever asking the question that was needed to start the whole thing going.

Liam was about to call the meeting to order when one voice with a pronounced British accent asked the question he had been waiting for. "How is it you know so much about these Kimera, and why are you so insistent that all three races must ally themselves against them? Nobody here has ever heard them mentioned before now."

That shut up even the Governor's ranting; how did the humans know of the Kimera? Apparently they had known of them even before Da'an's report of their current activities.

Liam gave a sigh and said, "Well, I thought somebody would have asked that question before now. Before I answer it, I'm going to let Da'an tell you a bit about the history of the Kimera in this dimension and why these Kimera are far more dangerous. None of this will be new information to our Jaridian 'guest', but I'm sure he'll understand if we spell out the situation for the rest of you."

Da'an went on to explain the history of the Kimera as an ancient, powerful and extremely intelligent race of what could best be described, in human terms, as celestial anthropologists.

He filled in some back-history in the Kimera's dealings with millions upon millions of races throughout untold millennia. Blushing in shame he also told how it had been the Taelons that had wiped them out fearing their potential for thwarting the Taelons' ultimate plans. Da'an then went on to explain Liam's visit to an alternate dimension and how the Earth had differed in its development in that reality. He explained how the Jaridians had discovered a way to make this type of travel between alternate dimension workable and how they had encountered an alternate version of the Kimera.

Da'an detailed the Jaridians' first attempt to approach them only to discover that the altruistic and benevolent Kimera that they had heard the stories of since childhood were not so benevolent there. He finished by explaining that the Kimera were out for revenge, wiping out both branches of the race that had destroyed their counterparts and that, with no Kimera in this reality, there was no problem of them phasing and dying here.

It was a much more subdued group that faced Liam's team when Da'an had finished; even the Governor had lost his bluster. Then Liam stepped forward and said, "Now for the information that only a handful of original Resistance members and Da'an knew.

"I'm part Kimera."

The previous uproar had nothing on this; even the Jaridian shouted the impossibility of the statement, until that is Liam raised his hands. The glowing evidence of his shaquarava silenced everyone as though someone had flipped a switch on a volume control.

"As I was saying, I'm part Kimera. I was born a little over nine years ago. Jonathan and Dr Park were there; in fact, Dr Park delivered me. By the end of that day I was fully matured. I hold the full genetic memory of all three of my parents. Yes, three.

"My Kimera father was Ha'gel. The Taelons had imprisoned him in a capsule before his race had been wiped out. This capsule found its way to an ocean on Earth. Divers discovered it and accidentally freed him. A Companion agent eventually killed him, but not before he had assumed the form of another agent and fathered me.

"My human parents were both Companion Protectors. You may recognise the names; Lieutenant Siobhan Beckett and Agent Ronald Sandoval.

"I've been in the Resistance since the day I was born. I promised my mother as she lay dying in my arms not to allow the Taelons to turn this planet into a killing field. I intend to keep that promise, whether it is Taelons, Jaridians or even Kimera. My parents taught me the meaning of duty and I will do my best to hold to it.

"Make no mistake; this is still a gamble, but the human race has had too much interaction with the Taelons and Jaridians to allow us to live in peace. We have to fight and we have to do it together.

"Da'an has assured us of the cooperation of the surviving Taelons. I'm hoping the Resistance will see the true threat to humanity that these Kimera pose and join the fight. As for the Jaridians, Governor, you've been given some new information that might aid your fight; at this point it certainly can't hurt it.

"We want to join the fight, talk to your superiors. If you take them on by yourselves you will lose. That will leave the other two races with a weakened chance for survival. Together all three races, if fate smiles on us, have the greater chance of success. Nicholas and his team will escort you back to your HQ. What you do from there is up to you."

Forty-eight hours after the conference in the Resistance HQ a truce was in effect. It was holding for now but how long it actually lasted was anybody's guess. The Jaridians had been slow to accept the need for the truce but the Governor had been persuasive, in fact, he had been so persuasive he had been created the Jaridian liaison to the other two races. A complex in Washington had been hastily 'grown' using Taelon technology to function as the base of operations for the newly allied races. Jonathan and Da'an had taken up residence there, as had the Governor whose name turned out to be Kel'ri.

Liam and Nicholas had not joined them, prudence indicated that one team be stationed somewhere else for security reasons. Besides there had been some reaction to Liam's announcement, word had spread, gossip again proving it's universal law to be true, it was still the fastest form of communication, no matter what species was involved.

There had been no overt hostile reaction; in fact, most of the human race were more astonished and curious rather than fearful and prejudiced about the hybrid that had been hidden in their midst all this time.

Still, Liam was too important to be risked, he stayed out of the public eye and Nicholas refused to leave his side.

It was surprising how quickly one's life could turn completely upside down thought Kel'ri as he gazed about the occupants of the conference chamber. It was full of a noisy bunch of humans, Taelons and Jaridians working together. In the ten days since the truce agreement had been made working together had become not only necessary but preferable.

It had been surprising how much the humans were able to bring down the ancient barriers and enmity between the Taelons and Jaridians. Humans challenged each other to work past prejudices and fears for a greater good. Certain groups amongst the humans would always distrust the other but in the face of a greater evil they rallied together and put aside their differences expecting the same behaviour from their new allies.

Haltingly at first the two alien races had done so, only in order not to be shown up by this supposedly weaker race that they had both 'conquered' in the past. However, under human encouragement these first steps had led to an easier understanding between them, after all, they were from the same ancient race. They discovered that if they looked beyond their fear of the other's beliefs, there was a lot the two races still had in common. A tentative but real step was being taken towards reconciliation thanks to the humans.

If they survived the fight with the Kimera, Kel'ri believed that for the first time in eons both the Taelons and the Jaridians could look toward the future with hope. Kel'ri snapped out of his reverie as the meeting began. "... But how were the Kimera destroyed before?" asked one of the human representatives.

All eyes turned to Da'an. He seemed to be half lost in memories but he responded to the question. "It gives me great shame now to even think about what my race did. In our ancient fight with the Jaridians we have destroyed or assimilated untold numbers of races, as have they, the destruction of the Kimera should be considered the greatest crime ever perpetrated against intelligent life in this universe.

"They were an ancient race devoted to the accumulation of knowledge and wisdom, they observed their creed of non-interference in the development of a species as their greatest law.

"When they refused to give us knowledge we wanted we started to plot against them. The fact that we were not ready for the responsibility that knowledge would bring never even mattered to us. We wanted it and they refused to give us it and so we decided they were our enemies.

"We destroyed their main repository of information under the simple pretext that, if we couldn't have their information, that nobody else would have it either. Each base, each ship was routed out and destroyed, they never had anything more than defensive capabilities, none had never been needed to be used in all their recorded history. We were friends, we were trusted, and we betrayed that trust.

"Finally the only survivors were on their home world. We destroyed al means of escape from that planet, stranding them there, and then we caused their sun to go nova..."

Da'an's voice trailed off into the silence that had fallen on the chamber, muffled crying could be heard coming from several parts of the room, the humans expressing their feelings of shock and horror at what they had heard.

The Jaridians were silent; they too had been caught up in feelings of shock at Da'an recitation of the destruction of an entire race. As for the Taelons, they sat refusing to look each other in the eye, secretly wishing they had the human facility to so easily express emotion.

As for Liam, many had focussed on the young hybrid to see his reaction. His face showed no reaction at all, except for his eyes. They showed a profound grief and rage. They also saw the minute tremble in his arms as his hands sat, fingers interlocked, resting on the conference table. Only the steadying hand that Nicholas had placed on his wrist seemed to be keeping him under control. That, and whatever low murmuring comment he was directing to Liam.

Nobody heard what was said other than Liam, but he took a deep breath and steadied himself. He said, "The problem is that these Kimera don't share the beliefs of our Kimera, they have no qualms about fighting back or destroying an entire race. It does give us a place to start, though; if they use similar technology we should be able to harm them.

"I'm not for a minute forgetting the fact that they do have offensive weaponry that seems to be unstoppable, but if we take the Taelon technology that destroyed our Kimera as a baseline and work from there we should, hopefully, be able to come up with some weapons of our own to a least level the playing field.

"I suggest we adjourn for today and allow the technical teams two days to think up some proposals and then reconvene."

That ended the meeting. Liam strode out, talking to no one, with a clearly concerned Nicholas on his heels. Liam headed to his new 'home' that he shared with Nicholas. Quickly divesting himself of his jacket he headed for the exercise area and started pummelling the heavy bag they used for punching and kicking.

Nicholas didn't say a word he just held the bag steady allowing Liam to work though his rage and grief in his own way. Eventually exhausted Liam fell to his knees weeping softly. This was what Nicholas had been waiting for; he dropped down beside Liam placing a comforting arm round his shoulders offering the silent support Liam needed. That night found Nicholas spending another vigil at his chosen brother's bedside. The next morning neither mentioned the previous day. They simply got back to work.

After the two days that Liam had called for everyone was back in the briefing room to hear a progress report from the technical teams as to whether or not the Taelon and Jaridian weapons could be adapted to be of use against the Kimera. The briefing had not yet begun and everyone was just milling round in small groups talking quietly. One group was given a little more room than others though it gathered many covert glances and speculation from the others. It consisted of Da'an, Kel'ri, Liam and Nicholas.

The Jaridian looked extremely upset about something, the others were trying to reassure him but it didn't seem to be working. Then Liam said something, nobody outside the group heard what it was, if the reaction of the others was any indication something big was up. Liam left the group and went over to Jonathan. He murmured something quietly that caused the other man to pale noticeably but he gave a nod of agreement to whatever it was that Liam had said. Jonathan called the meeting to order and everyone concentrated on the business at hand.

Surprisingly enough the outlook was good. Human ingenuity combined with Taelon and Jaridian technology had come up with several ideas about new weapons, it would take at least a couple of weeks to plan and test them out but it at least offered the very real prospect of hope. It was a revitalised group that listened to the rest of the briefing. The upbeat tone didn't last long. Jonathan continued talking in a far more sombre tone of voice.

"Unfortunately the latest report from our Jaridian allies isn't good. Three colony worlds have been destroyed in the last week alone. If they follow their current pattern the next world will come under attack in two days. Kel'ri tells us it is a world where many of the younger Jaridians as well as their injured in battle are sent for safekeeping.

"They are going to need assistance or they will be destroyed. Unfortunately none of the new weapons we have discussed will be ready in time.

"Liam has made another suggestion, it is extremely risky but under the circumstances we don't really have a choice. Da'an and Kel'ri have offered their full support, as do I. Our allies need some help, it's time for us to join the battle."

One voice asked, "What are we going to do?"

Liam stepped forward at that point and said, "We're going to evacuate the mothership and apart from a skeleton crew made up of volunteers of all three of the races. Then we're going out to find the Kimera to see if we can get their attention and divert it from the planet.

"Our goal is two-fold, to make ourselves a big enough nuisance that the Kimera will be distracted from the planet long enough for an evacuation, and then to get away without getting caught."

The sheer audacity of the idea left most people in the room speechless but one voice called out a question. "Which of the leadership are going and which are staying behind, in case something goes wrong?"

A long glance passed between the leaders present but Liam was the one who answered, "Just me. I'm the only one going. It's a risk but if it comes to the worst my presence on the ship might at least prevent its destruction. They'll want to get their hands on me alive."

Liam's bleak tone effectively ended the briefing. Many stayed behind to volunteer to join the mission, Liam stood with Nicholas off to one side trying to convince him that his place was with the human Resistance members here on Earth, he wasn't have much luck.

Nicholas just stood there and looked at him saying, "If you're going, I'm going. It's as simple as that." Liam pleaded with Nicholas saying, "Nicky, I couldn't bear it if something happened to you too. Please stay here where it is safer."

Nicholas looked at him with his eyes reflecting all Liam's concern for his safety back at him. "Don't you think I feel the same way? You are not doing this alone. If nothing else we die together. Brother, deal with it, I won't let you go without me." Liam sighed and gave up his argument; Nicky was as stubborn as he was about these things, besides he'd rather have him close where he could keep an eye on him.

Later that day the assembled volunteers were transported in shuttles up to the mothership. The next morning after a quick briefing they left on their way to intercept the Kimera fleet. Those left behind could do nothing but wait and pray.

The ship shuddered under a renewed barrage from the Kimera cruisers encircling it. If they'd used full power then the ship would have been nothing but a memory but they wanted this ship intact, they wanted the crew to suffer. Liam held out a hand to pull Nicholas up from the floor of the bridge, he'd been the only one to keep his feet during that last attack. Nicholas - master of understatement as always - said, "I think they're annoyed." Liam gave him a glance that couldn't have said 'No really?' any louder than if he'd spoken out loud. Strange as it seemed, the fact that the Kimera were trying so hard to take them alive was a good thing. It meant the plan had worked.

For the last three days they'd harried at the heels of the Kimera cruisers heading for the Jaridian hospital / refugee planet that had been their next intended target. They'd had a couple of close calls escaping only because of Liam's ability to seemingly be able to think two steps ahead of the Kimera commanders on the other ships.

Surprisingly enough they'd even managed to take out two of the smaller cruisers, not because of superior weapons, that they definitely didn't have, more by superior pilots. The Taelons that flew the mothership had impressed even Liam with their evasive manoeuvres during the uneven battles. On one such occasion to escape collision with them a Kimera cruiser had been forced into a sudden manoeuvre that sent it careering out of control and into the side of another cruiser, destroying them both.

The most important point of all was that they'd bought enough time for a successful evacuation of people from the planet back to more secure locations. Of course, that was when their luck had run out. Making an attempt at a quick escape they had been surrounded by these cruisers. Their weapons were obviously being modulated to detain and damage not destroy.

The Kimera were curious as to how one ship so technologically deficient to their own had been able to hold it's own for so long. It seemed they were determined to get answers. Liam sighed, were they going to be beaten now? His train of thought was interrupted as one of the Jaridian crew called out, "Sir!" He glanced over to see the expression of hope on the other's face. Maybe they weren't beaten yet. Walking over to the other's station he saw their slim hope displayed on screen. A hole. There was a small hole in the cordon of cruisers.

It wasn't quite big enough yet, though. However, if something were to be sent out as a decoy at least one of the ships might be moved slightly, that fraction of a second would be all that was needed. Quickly issuing orders Liam had the crew jumping to do his bidding so fast that he didn't leave them time to think about the decoy. Nobody except one person that is; Nicholas. "Liam, what in god's name do you think you're doing?"

"Buying you enough time to get this ship and crew home."


"I'll head out in the opposite direction to the gap in one of the shuttles. That will get their attention. Before anybody gets trigger happy I'll send out a message, don't forget I speak the language. Hopefully that will get you the distraction you need to get away." Nicholas sighed, Liam's determined expression showed his mind was already made up. Unfortunately he couldn't see any other way out of this mess either.

"What about you, Liam?"

Liam just looked at him with a helpless expression in his eyes. He wasn't exactly thrilled about this either, but there was no other way. Nicholas accompanied him to the shuttle bay where the rest of the crew gave them a moment of privacy. Just as Liam was about to turn towards the shuttle Nicholas pulled him into a fierce hug.

Liam dropped his cheek onto Nicholas' unruly brown hair whispering, "If I can I'll be back. Be safe little brother."

Not trusting himself to say any more he turned and climbed into the shuttle. Sighing heavily Nicholas turned and made his way back to the bridge. He watched on screen as the shuttle flew into the lion's den.

Poised and ready the crew listened as Liam sent out the message. At first they thought the gamble wasn't working and then, finally, one of the ships began to move. As soon as there was enough space Nicholas gave the order, "Go. Now!" Nobody mentioned the single tear running down his cheek. The arrived back at Earth shortly thereafter. A jubilant group including Doors, Da'an and Kel'ri met the shuttles that brought them back down to the planet.

Word had been sent back by those that they had rescued, they returned to a heroes welcome.

It quickly became apparent with the lack of response from them that something was wrong. Doors had finally noticed the absence of Liam. In a questioning tone filled with dread he asked, "Where is Liam?" Nicholas' answer chilled the hearts of those present.

"The Kimera have him. He used himself as a decoy to allow us the chance to escape."

Liam's shuttle was drawn into the main shuttle bay of the largest of the cruisers, it took his mind back to his only previous encounter with a Kimera vessel, somehow he didn't think he'd get out of here as easily as he and Lili got out of that Repository. When his shuttle's power was dampened he didn't see the point in waiting about so he clambered out. Better to get this over with as quickly as possible.

He saw several Kimera waiting on him, presumably his guards. His appearance caused some startled murmuring as he was clearly revealed not to be Taelon or Jaridian. None of them spoke directly to him but one made a gesture that clearly indicated he expected to be followed.

As Liam followed him two more Kimera took up position behind him to ensure he had no chance of escape. Liam was surprised to find himself taken to the medical bay he would have thought he would have been brought before the ship's commander first of all. Then again, maybe they wanted to check him out for potential biohazards first, after all what did he know about these Kimera? Even less than about his own and that thought scared him. He was ordered to change his clothes and wear a simple silver jumpsuit, no shoes were provided. Then he was forcefully placed on a biobed.

Restraints appeared and clamped him down, his arms, legs and neck. He could feel the machinery beneath him start to vibrate as his entire body was scanned at once with a painfully intense beam of bright light. His pulse started to race and he could feel sweat dripping down the back of his neck but he managed to prevent himself crying out. Two Kimera medical personnel were obviously monitoring the readings and one gave a startled exclamation as she realised what she was seeing.

The other wasted no time in acting he approached Liam and ripped his left sleeve exposing the bare flesh. Liam felt a sharp pain and then the world went black as whatever drug they had given him took effect.

Meanwhile, the female medical officer had contacted the commander. "It's a hybrid. Part Kimera. I don't know how. The Jaridian prisoners I've interrogated all said the race was extinct... Sir, I assure you none was in any state coherent enough to lie to me, they were too busy dying... I believe it is the third species that was mentioned to us, the inferior one, humanity, which provided the parents for this thing.

"What do you want done with it? No constraints on our methods? How long do we have...? It shouldn't take us that long, it seems to be a particularly weak species."

Liam woke to find himself slumped in a cell, rather like those found on the mothership, the force fields containing him seemed to be of a higher frequency though. He looked up as he heard someone approaching. He asked, "Why have you caged me like this? What do you want?"

The Kimera female looked directly at him for the first time and her expression chilled him to the bone. "You will not speak hybrid unless it is to answer a question. For a Kimera to have joined with such a weak species is an abomination. Your very existence is an offence to me.

"I have been ordered to obtain information on humanity and it's role into the conflict we are now engaged in. I always get the information we need. You will soon wish you had never been born, abomination."

Liam had listened with a heart turned to ice at what the future had in store for him. Why didn't they just force a Joining they'd get the information they needed? Of course, nobody would want to soil himself or herself by such intimacy with the abomination! That left drugs, torture and psychological conditioning.

Oh this was going to be fun, not! Feeling the need to assert his defiance while he still had the strength he pulled himself to his feet and said, "My name is Liam, not abomination."

If possible her eyes grew colder as she looked at him. She spoke one word into the communication device that she carried. She ordered someone to 'begin'. Liam's cell was suddenly filled with a burning heat that dropped him to his knees with a gasp; the heat caused intense burning pain along all his nerve endings but apparently no burns. It seemed to be never ending and then almost as suddenly it stopped. Then the cold started, worse than the heat. It switched from one to the other at whim; there was no pattern to the length of time. He'd lose consciousness and revive only to find it had started again.

During this time he was provided with a small quantity of water, no food, obviously a first measure to reducing his strength. Then the new wrinkles were added, high frequency noise, sensory deprivation, anything and everything to wear him down.

He would have been surprised to learn he had been a 'guest' of the Kimera for a week by this point. One thing kept him sane, locked away in a small part of his mind, he kept an image of Nicholas. His chosen brother's smiling face and his easy belief in Liam were the only image Liam held on to with any certainty. He'd never do anything to betray Nicky. He'd rather die.

The past week on Earth had been bittersweet. The techs had come up with the weapons that they believed could be effective against the Kimera cruisers. A fleet was hurriedly being refitted. The loss of Liam had cast a huge shadow over the entire planet though. Liam would have been astonished to see how integral he was to people's lives.

He hadn't had a great deal of contact outside of those in the Resistance efforts against the Taelons and the Jaridians. However, his name had always conjured a picture of humanity's will to fight, and its never say die attitude when faced with overwhelming odds. The Resistance's and his efforts had fuelled the imagination of the planet for years, they gave it hope, and now the heart of that hope had been ripped away. The rest of the leadership had had to work through their own pain, the fight had to continue, no matter how they felt personally, and then there was Nicholas. The boy had turned cold. He didn't laugh any more. The only expression anyone ever saw on his face now was a burning determination to kill. God help any Kimera that stood in his way.

Nobody knew about the nightmares. Alone in his room he'd wake crying out his brother's name. Somehow he'd been with Liam through it all.

Each night he'd dream and his subconscious mind would call out for his brother. Each night he'd find himself living part of Liam's torture with him. Nicholas told nobody. He feared being removed from the fight or being drugged to prevent dreaming. He couldn't allow that, this was as close to Liam as he could get for now, he wouldn't leave his brother alone.

In a fitful sleep on the floor of his cell Liam felt the link to his brother. His worry, his concern, and his love. Unknowingly Liam smiled. From an observation device Liam's torturer frowned her confusion. How could it resist? Why did it smile? She would break it down, she would.

Liam groaned as he struggled back to full consciousness. He had completely lost all track of time in this place. The last thing he remembered was being forcibly removed from his cell and taken to a place full of what he assumed was medical equipment. That Kimera bitch had been there too, supervising a team of medical techs who had obviously never even contemplated the notion of the Hippocratic oath.

They had subjected him to an excruciatingly painful series of tests that seemed more for her amusement rather than to obtain the information she was supposed to be getting from him. To get information she would actually have to ask questions not just stand there with malicious intent in her eyes. Finally they had moved him again to this place.

It was completely dark, seamless, solitary confinement. How long he'd been there now was anybody's guess. It was entirely too much to hope for that this was over, from the look on her face she was just getting warmed up. A feeling of utter desolation swept over him, he was so scared. Not for himself, well that wasn't entirely true, it was impossible not to be scared about what his future held

What he was really scared about was the all to real possibility that they would break him. That would prove fatal for the allies on Earth and for Nicholas. That was the fact that kept him silent, no matter what they did to him, death was more preferable by far. Still, the longing for a friendly face was almost overwhelming, he sat there and thought of home, of Doors, Kel'ri and Da'an, of Nicky, praying to any Power that would listen to watch over them and keep them safe.

Back on Earth a month had passed since Liam's sacrifice. It had not been without hope. The new weapons were working better than anyone had ever dared to hope. A line had been drawn out there in the vastness of space. The Kimera fleet had been halted, at least for now.

A ragtag fleet of Jaridian and Taelon vessels patrolled space protecting Earth and as many of the Jaridian controlled worlds as possible. The war wasn't over and they still were far from safe but they had slowed the Kimera onslaught down to a slow crawl.

The loss of Liam still cut deep. The people that worked with and close to the leadership felt his loss the strongest. They had focussed on Nicholas in an effort to alleviate their grief and worry. They checked up on him, made sure he was eating, made sure he was OK, tried to make sure he was looking after himself, it was the only way they could think of to be close to Liam, he wasn't there to watch out for his 'brother' so they did it for him.

They were the reason Nicky's nightmares had been brought to the attention of Doors, Da'an and the others. Purely by chance - that was their story and they were sticking to it - it had become normal for one of the 'helpers' to be close to Nicholas's quarters just as he was going to sleep. They weren't checking up on him, honest!

Anyway, about a fortnight ago one of them had heard Nicholas screaming out Liam's name. Not wishing to intrude on his privacy they had kept it to themselves but when it had continued to happen on each of the three succeeding nights they took steps. They had approached Dr Park. She was the only doctor Nicholas and Liam ever went to willingly, and told her what had been going on. She had approached Nicholas with their concerns.

Initially he had been furious but under her gentle questioning he had eventually told her the story. Horrified she had tried to get him to take a dream suppressant to get at least one night of sleep, Nicholas had refused. She had insisted that Doors and the others be told, reluctantly Nicholas had agreed. He made a formal report to the leadership and it was far more detailed than the one he had given to Dr Park.

In a face devoid of all expression he outlined every method of torture that had been used on Liam, what he had experienced through his link to his brother. How long each session had taken and his impressions of Liam's strength and resilience. The images he had perceived of the Kimera female leading the interrogations.

Before he had finished many in the room were weeping openly, it was more horrifying than they had ever imagined in their worst nightmares. Then, quietly, head bowed Nicholas simply left the room.

Wherever he went after that he had an escort. It was unobtrusive but it was there. Word had quickly spread and everyone else had joined the little band of those who looked after Nicholas. Their unofficial motto was quite simply, For Liam.

Liam looked towards the sound as his latest 'home' was visited again. Thankfully the two guards that entered were just there to move him back to his original cell. Surprisingly he found a bowl of some sort of soup there. At this point he really didn't care if it was drugged or not, his body needed the sustenance, he ate and then he curled up in a little ball and went to sleep.

Elsewhere on the ship, he would have been fascinated to hear the conversation going on between the ship's commander and his interrogator. "It has been twice as long as any other of your interrogations. Why do we still not have the information you were instructed to obtain?"

"You will. It is just a matter of time. It cannot resist much longer." The commander made a disapproving sound.

"You said that days ago. I would see this thing that is causing you such difficulties. You have always prided yourself in your abilities. I would see this hybrid, this thing that has so far managed to best your every efforts."

Not long thereafter, Liam was startled into wakefulness as the cell he was in was doused in bright light and two guards entered the room preceding his interrogator and another Kimera, a male, he couldn't see him clearly because of the bright light but he heard one of the guards say 'commander'. The commander approached the force field surrounding the cell and Liam got his first clear look at him.

Before he had the chance to realise what he was doing Liam blurted out one word in shock. "Father?" There was a startled murmur from the guards and a snort of horror from his interrogator.

"What?!" asked Ha'gel as he stared at the prisoner.

Someone rushed to catch Nicholas as he fell to his knees in the middle of the corridor. Nicholas was in shock; he'd never experienced a waking link with Liam before. Then he realised what he was seeing and muttered, "Oh, hell." He said thank you to the man helping him to his feet and called out for someone to call an emergency meeting of the leadership.

Thirty minutes later the hastily assembled group were waiting on Nicholas and fearing the worst. He entered the room and saw the expressions on their faces. Hastening to reassure them he said, "He's still alive."

Sighs of relief could be heard all around the room. These sighs quickly turned into gasps of astonishment and worry.

"Liam has just met the commander of the ship he is on. It's Ha'gel's alternate. For those of you who don't know, Ha'gel was his Kimera father. He's dead in this dimension as a result this alternate is free to stay in this space. I have no idea how this is going to affect the situation I just thought you should know."

The room still reverberated with Liam's stunned outburst. The Kimera guards and interrogator eyed each other uncertainly. Ha'gel himself seemed visibly shaken.

Then Liam spoke again, in a disgusted tone he said, "No. You're not my father.

"Ha'gel died before I was born. It's just as well; if we are alive to see the perversions your Kimera carry out he'd have died of shame! I can't even bear to look at you, you're the antithesis of everything the Kimera in this dimension stood for!"

Liam's tirade had two effects. It acted as a verbal slap in the face for his captors, unfortunately that had the effect of enraging Ha'gel and the interrogator even further about the 'hybrid'. A cruel and chilling look on his face Ha'gel said, "Break this abomination down. Any means necessary!"

This phrase began what was to become two months of hell for Liam.

Two months later. The ships burst into normal space and englobed the three Kimera vessels. The human commander of the alliance fleet gave the order and all but one of the Kimera ships were obliterated. The remaining ship was damaged just enough to keep it from escaping and then the other ships just sat there. "Why don't they attack?!" asked the frantic Kimera commander of his crew. Just then one of them spoke. "Sir, we are being hailed by one of the enemy ships."

She pressed her console and a human voice filled the air. "Kimera vessel you have been spared for one reason and one reason only. You will carry the following message back to your commander Ha'gel.

"We want Liam returned, alive. "Until he is returned no quarter will be offered to your vessels. When he is returned we will accept an overture for peaceful negotiations to end this conflict, not before. Now go!"

On board the vessel that had sent the message a Taelon crewmember directed a question at the human commanding the vessel. "What happens if they attempt to claim Liam is on their vessels to prevent their destruction during a battle?" In a dry, cold tone the female captain replied, "They can try.

"Nicholas knows which ship he is on. He'll know if he's moved. Unless Nicholas says otherwise any Kimera vessel is a target. We will get Liam back! Then, we'll send these assholes back out of this dimension so fast your head will spin. "Back to work."

Liam stirred as he was flung into a new cell. Having spent the last week in complete isolation he shaded his eyes as best he could against the bright light shining down from above. A sudden noise startled him - he wasn't alone in here! This was new, he had always been kept isolated from the other prisoners held by the Kimera, he had heard them on occasion though when they were questioned in rooms adjacent to his own interrogation chamber. "Who's there? Can you understand me?"

The response when it came was hissed in Taelon. "Do you understand English?" In a stilted and hesitant tone the Taelon said, "I know some of your words. I have heard them spoken in communications from other ships."

Liam still couldn't see the Taelon clearly, attempting to squint through the light he said, "Are you a prisoner here?"

"I was, how do you say the words? Crew but not free? Member of a conquered race and taken to work on the Kimera ships. I reported an error. Not by me, but by my watcher. I was correct but I am to be punished for questioning the ability of my watcher. Disobedience is not good."

Liam digested this information in silence. Gradually his sight began to return to its normal level and he saw the Taelon slumped opposite him. The first thing that occurred to him was that he recognised this Taelon face, then he realised why! Oh my God!

Incredulously he said, "Zo'or, is your name Zo'or?"

Stunned the Taelon replied, "How can you know this?"

Under his breath Liam muttered, "I do not believe this! How much more convoluted can my life get?!" For once not caring if there was surveillance in the cell Liam looked at 'Zo'or' and said, "I have a rather odd story to tell you..."

Nicholas was back on Earth for the first time in over a month. He was due to make a report on the status of the fighting to the Alliance command. There were three representatives from each of the three races in the Command council.

Currently there were only two human representatives; Liam was the unanimous vote for the third human member, even the other races had voted for him. They had also agreed that Nicholas would hold two votes, both his and Liam's, until he was retrieved.

Entering the conference room Nicholas graced Da'an, Kel'ri and Doors with a halfhearted smile. On his way to the podium he froze in place with an intent look on his face. The others in the chamber looked at each other worriedly. This could mean only one thing, Liam. Nicholas shook his head as though coming out of a trance. The look on his face was more perplexed than horrified and this caused a few sighs of relief around the room.

Doors asked the question plaguing everyone in the room, "What is it Nicholas? Were you with Liam just then?"

Nicholas cast a concerned glance at Da'an and the other Taelons. "Perhaps I should make this report in private first. It's going to cause some issues." The leadership conferred quietly before deciding that Nicholas should just brief the entire room, everybody would know soon enough anyway, best just to get it out in the open now. Nicholas took a deep breath.

"Liam is still alive. He's still undergoing extreme interrogation, nothing about that has changed. However, he's been given - for lack of a better term - a cellmate. This fellow prisoner is a member of a conquered race from the Kimera's own dimension."

Looking directly at Da'an Nicholas continued, "This prisoner is named Zo'or."

There was a huge outburst at this. Da'an and the other Taelons had blushed blue at the news before retiring to a corner of the room for a heated conversation. The Jaridians were very vocal too.

Zo'or had been the most aggressive Taelon leader in centuries, Zo'or had ordered many atrocities perpetrated against their race and they had executed her for it!

The humans in the room were unsure what to feel. Zo'or had been a friend, then she had betrayed the entire species, then she had been executed by a race that had gone on to be just as hated as her own for their occupation of Earth. Now there was a new twist in this already bizarre conflict. Were they to be presented with a new Zo'or free from the taint of the old? This conflict had turned enemies into allies and those that should have been allies into the deadliest of enemies.

A consensus was reached amongst the human contingent. Liam's judgement would be trusted. If he decided that this Zo'or was a friend then so be it. The Jaridians and the Taelons, Da'an included, agreed to the same, Liam would be the final arbitrator. The meeting was reconvened and Nicholas began the report he had been there to give in the first place on the status of the fighting.

Zo'or protested futilely as the young human called Liam was dragged from their confinement cell. Even by their own standards the Kimera were being cruel and heartless in their interrogation of him. Their hatred seemed so intense it astonished her. Nothing could possibly justify their actions.

For the first time in a long time Zo'or wished for a miracle, something, anything, to stop this barbaric cruelty. Liam didn't look like he could survive much more. Sitting there brooding she had not realized how much time had passed until she heard the approaching footsteps of the guards returning. The force field dropped and Liam was deposited in the cell, the marks of interrogation still fresh on his body, lines of pain etched into his face. Zo'or unmindful of her own safety let out a cry of horror and distress. The guards themselves looked disturbed.

The unceasing interrogation of the hybrid was starting to cause quiet talk among the crew. The commander and the 'bitch' interrogator seemed to be acting on an unreasonable hatred. This hybrid was strong and honest. By sacrificing himself he had saved a ship full of comrades. That he had done so knowing full well the likely outcome to himself spoke of great courage.

It was not that long ago that their own race could think about themselves in such a way. That was before their new leadership had come to power. After conquering the Taelons it had almost seemed like the in fighting amongst the military commanders would solve the problem leaving the way clear for more moderate heads to prevail. Then the Jaridians had arrived in their dimension.

The shock of learning of their alternates' extinction was all the excuse the commanders needed to remain in power. They would teach the races of this other dimension a lesson, nobody got away with disrespecting the Kimera. The months of bloodshed that followed brought glory to no one. Then they had encountered the hybrid. He never betrayed his comrades; no information was obtained from him that he did not willingly give and all that he had said was he was glad the Kimera from this dimension were gone because they would have died of shame if they had sent their counterparts' actions.

The hybrid's loyalty was obviously well placed. The alliance against the Kimera had only grown stronger since his capture. The news from the battles was bad on all fronts. They were losing. The humans and their allies had made their position perfectly clear.

No surrender.

The hybrid, Liam was to be returned alive. Then and only then would they agree to talk of negotiations and peace. Many of the crew of the ship holding him prisoner was beginning to come round to that way of thinking. The guards watched as the Taelon prisoner gently cradled the head of the hybrid in her lap. He was saying something, almost inaudible; the prisoner knelt closer to hear his words. She looked up and said, confused, "He says that they're here. What does that mean?"

One of the guards, against all regulations that no prisoner's question should be directly acknowledged, shrugged. Just then the entire ship seemed to shudder. The guards looked at each other in confusion. Then a voice echoed throughout the ship calling all personnel to their stations. The hybrid spoke clearly for the first time since he had been returned to the cell. Looking at Zo'or he said, "Nicky's here. They've come for me."

At this moment in time this small piece of space was a focal point for the future of four races, not that more than a handful of people realised that fact. After the alliance ships had sent a warning blast at the Kimera ship holding Liam they had spread out and engaged the remainder of the Kimera fleet.

It had quickly become apparent that the alliance commanders were the more determined and that they could and would destroy any Kimera ship attempting to flee the field of battle. An uneasy ceasefire descended, each commander knew that the first person to fire would end up starting a bloodbath. On board the ship holding Liam one of the crew turned to Ha'gel saying, "We are receiving a transmission from one of the 'enemy' ships. They are asking to speak to you sir, by name."

This caused Ha'gel a moment of concern. How did they know his name? Then again, how had they been able to distinguish his ship as the ship holding the prisoner? All attempts to trick the enemy commanders by claiming the hybrid was on another ship had been met with direct force, somehow they knew the truth but how? Frowning slightly he said, "Put through the transmission."

An image began to appear on the bridge of the Kimera ship. While trying to appear nonchalant several of the crew also glanced at the transmission, they were curious to see the faces of these races that had, for the first time in recent memory, defeated one of their ships in battle.

The first thing that struck Ha'gel and his crew was the bizarre sight of seeing a human in the command chair. Reports from some of their own ships had insisted that it was the human commanders that had been encountered that had been the most ferocious and persistent, up until now it had been discounted as nonsense.

No more. It was clearly evident that they were dealing with a human commander and from the looks of things he was a commander in full control of a crew made up of humanity, Taelons and Jaridians. Another thing that astonished the Kimera was the age of this human, he looked very young to be in command. The human looked at him for a long moment. Ha'gel shivered. This ' weak and inferior' human had a look in his eyes that echoed of a deep and burning hatred. Ha'gel was used to inspiring fear in others. This look held no fear and for the first time in his long life Ha'gel was uneasy about the outcome of his course of action. "Give him back."

Ha'gel blinked. Was this really about that stinking hybrid? The human repeated his statement, ice in his tone. "Give him back, now!"

Ha'gel took a breath. Trying to gauge the intentions of his opponent he said, "We have matters far more important to discuss than one abomination. Let us discuss your intentions first."

Ha'gel heard the muttering amongst his own crew and realised he might have gone too far. He had been aware of a gradual change of feeling towards his prisoner. The hybrid had borne the brunt of the most intense interrogation ever witnessed on his ship and had not cracked, his crew was beginning to respect the courage the hybrid had shown.

When he looked at his opponent he began to realise he had made a possibly fatal blunder. The rage in the human's face was almost palpable; his crew exhibited the same feelings. How had the hybrid inspired such loyalty? Ha'gel had only ever managed to motivate his crews with fear. "You have one hour to give him back unharmed before we take your fleet apart piece by piece and retrieve him ourselves." The transmission ended abruptly.

Ha'gel looked at his crew and said, "Prepare for battle. We will attack first." His crew fired glances round the bridge at each other and for the first time in Ha'gel's experience they refused an order. He said again, "Prepare to attack, now!" The next thing he felt was an energy weapon at the base of his neck. His second in command, Ta'rel, said in a firm voice, "No. No more. This ends now. Sir, I am removing you from your command.

"Stand down." Ta'rel motioned for two of the crew to remove Ha'gel from the bridge and he sent an order for the interrogator to be confined to her quarters. Then he turned to the bridge crew and said, "Let us end this. Contact the human commander."

Nicholas was surprised to hear from the Kimera ship so soon and even more surprised to see a different Kimera face appear in view.

"Human commander, my name is Ta'rel. With the co-operation of the crew I have removed Ha'gel from command and ordered our interrogator confined to her quarters. I hereby request that you send a transport to retrieve your comrade and that you agree to initiate negotiations that will end this conflict."

Nicholas closed his eyes and sighed. Finally! Reason was prevailing over insanity. "I'll come personally, Ta'rel, with a small security detachment. I'll be with you shortly."

Nicholas turned to Kel'ri and said, "You have command until I return. Be prepared for anything."

Nicholas's shuttle docked with the Kimera vessel. From it emerged a security contingent made up of two humans, a Taelon and a Jaridian. Nicholas and Dr Park emerged next. Without preamble Nicholas said, "Take us to him." Ta'rel having remained on the bridge to supervise his 'new' and highly nervous crew had sent his own sister to escort Nicholas and his party. They quickly made their way to the holding cell. Seeing Liam still lying on the floor of the cell caused some horrified gasps from his party.

Nicholas said from between clenched teeth, "Lower the damn force field." Hastening into the cell he dropped to his knees beside Zo'or and said, "Liam, it's okay, we're here now."

Liam hearing his brother's voice gave a small smile. "At last," he whispered. He held out his hand for Nicholas to pull him to his feet. Slowly, carefully, gently, Nicholas complied. Once Liam was standing, albeit unsteadily, Nicholas couldn't help himself. He hugged his brother close to him and whispered, "Thank you, God. You're safe."

Liam seemed to gain strength from Nicholas' s presence and actually gave a grin as he said, "I told you I'd see you again, little brother." The Kimera escorts looked at each other in wonder. Brothers? That would explain a lot.

Liam looked at the Kimera that had accompanied Nicholas. He said, "Zo'or comes with us. Give us one day and then negotiations can begin. In the meantime we expect Ha'gel and my friendly interrogator to remain confined, understood?"

Not waiting to see if they did or not Liam motioned that it was time to leave. Dr Park and the security escort gathered the bewildered Zo'or into their ranks. Nicholas kept his arm around Liam's waist and Liam leaned heavily on his shoulder but he walked out of his cell under his own power.

They returned to the alliance command ship and a rapturous welcome for Liam. He gave a brief speech of thanks before Dr Park and Nicholas had him whisked away to the medical bay. Tomorrow would be upon them soon, they had to be ready.

Liam slumped into the seat with a sigh. It had been over an hour before he managed to persuade Dr Park to let him leave the medical bay. The tests were necessary - he admitted that - but the interrogations in the Kimera medical bay were still too fresh in his mind for him to feel comfortable being there, even among friends.

Nicholas had realised what the problem was and hustled him out of there as soon as he could insisting that Liam needed rest more than he needed tests. Nicholas looked at Liam as he sat slumped in the seat and winced at the lines of pain etched round his brother's eyes. He could see the minute tremors Liam was trying to conceal; didn't he know he didn't have to? He wouldn't think any less of him! Liam had survived weeks of abuse and torture

Nicholas marvelled at his resilience but it was time to let the barriers down. They only had this one night before the negotiations began, Liam would have to be strong then, he was the symbol, the focal point even, for four races. Whatever peace was reached would depend on his words, his opinions. Nicholas crouched down before Liam and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder to get his attention. He said softly, "Liam you need rest and quiet. I know how you were caged with the force fields but I'm going to have to raise one now to give us some privacy.

"It'll be opaque, it'll just be you and me, nobody else will disturb us till morning, OK?" Nicholas sighed in relief when Liam nodded. He'd felt him tense at the mention of the force fields but had also seen the tenseness ease from him when he'd realise that he'd finally be given some time alone.

Nicholas pressed a command on a panel on the wall and the force field shimmered into place. He then sent a message to the bridge advising them that he and Liam were not to be disturbed before morning.

That settled he turned to face his brother and his heart wept at the sight. Liam had taken the opportunity to curl up on the bed placed there. He hadn't even slipped under the sheets; he'd simply collapsed on top of them and curled into a ball with a pillow clutched tightly to his chest. Nicholas sighed quietly; please God let his sleep in peace. Nicholas couldn't sleep himself; he was beyond feeling the need for sleep. Liam was back. He just sat there watching, waiting, for the inevitable reaction to set in. It didn't take long.

A couple of hours later Liam jerked awake from a nightmare screaming Nicholas' name and sobbing. It took several minutes for Nicholas to calm Liam down; eventually he solved the problem by climbing onto the mattress and pulling Liam close till his head rested on his shoulder.

Gathering him close with his arms Nicholas gently whispered reassurances until he felt the tremors ease from Liam's body. Instead, he felt the silent tears that Liam cried soak into his shirt as his brother finally had the opportunity to weep away his reaction to his torture now that he was held so safely in his brother's arms.

They both knew that the process was only begun that night. Liam would take a long time to heal. They also knew he would recover, they'd see to it, together. Morning came and Liam woke feeling refreshed and, for the first time in weeks, whole. He murmured, "Thank you, Nicky, for everything." Nicholas just smiled. He had his brother back, what more could he possibly want?

The next day the peace negotiations began on the Kimera flagship. Nicholas, Liam, Zo'or and Kel'ri represented the alliance races with Ta'rel and his sister Ja'ren representing the Kimera. Also present, in restraints and under guard, were Ha'gel and the interrogator. The arguments passed back and forth at a furious pace for almost an hour. The Kimera under Ta'rel wanted nothing more than to leave this space and return to their own, and to forget this entire conflict had ever happened.

Kel'ri was furiously demanding reparations for his beleaguered race that had felt the brunt of this assault. Zo'or was surprisingly vocal in her assertion that all the Kimera prisoners should be freed and allowed the choice of whether or not to return.

The humans for now just sat and watched. Ha'gel and the interrogator started spouting taunts and threats at Liam and more than once the young hybrid paled under their onslaught. Suddenly a fist slammed down on the table startling everyone. All eyes turned towards Nicholas who sat there with fury in his eyes. He said, "Enough!" While Liam kept his gazed fixed on the table, Nicholas gave the edited highlights of Liam's treatment by the two prisoners.

The gasps of horror and disbelief were frequent. He finished by saying, "You treat innocents like this and you expect to be allowed to leave?"

Ja'ren spoke for the first time. She asked what he meant by innocents. Liam looked at her appraisingly and said, "I was tortured and abused for answers because nobody dared to contaminate themselves by sharing with the demon hybrid even though they would have found their answers if they had done so.

"They were afraid, though, are you? Are you afraid to see the truth?" Ja'ren left her seat and ignoring her brother's startled protest she made her way to Liam. He simply raised his hand and placed his palm to hers. For a long moment nothing happened and then she gasped.

Nicholas looked on with a half smile on his face, the truth was about to come out. Ja'ren broke the connection and whirled to face Ha'gel and the interrogator shouting her anger and horror. "You tortured a child?! You knew?! The medical information you obtained gave you the information that Liam is not even ten human years of age and still you tortured him!"

Ta'rel had eyed his sister with concern but when she revealed the truth about Liam he had literally seen red. Turning to the prisoners he said in an ominous tone, "To deliberate mistreat another for no reason is a hideous crime. To do so to a child defies believe. You will be held accountable."

The entire tone of the negotiation had changed. The Kimera were deeply shocked at how far out of control their leaders had been. In the days that followed a treaty was agreed. The prisoners were to be offered the choice to go free, to return home, to stay or even to join the crews of the Kimera ships as equals. The Kimera would stay and help rebuild what they had destroyed and then they too were given the choice to stay or to return to their own space. One exception was made. Ta'rel and Ja'ren took their ship home and turned over the prisoners for trial and punishment under Kimera law.

Ja'ren's testimony resulted in the two being incarcerated in pods like Liam's father Ha'gel for the next thousand years. At that point they were to be re-evaluated before a decision was made as to whether or not they be re-incarcerated permanently. It was the harshest sentence ever imposed on any member of their race.

Ta'rel and Ja'ren led the growing liberal movement in their own space eventually rising to the level of joint leaders. They initiated friendly interaction and alliances with the Taelons, Jaridians and Humans of the alternate dimension. Kel'ri returned to his duties eventually rising to the status of deputy leader of his people. Da'an welcomed Zo'or like she was his own daughter and they led the Synod of the remainder of the Taelons. They were given control of the moon base and allowed to remain in Earth space.

Earth itself became neutral territory. All alien races were welcomed a long as they signed a code of conduct in how they treated the other races. Humanity flourished and Doors led the way. The long battle was over. Humanity was finally at peace with its neighbours.

Liam and Nicholas stayed for a time while Liam recuperated from his ordeal. They spent some time in the country just relaxing together. The problem was they were too well known; they were the heroes that had led the Resistance and brought peace to the planet.

Eventually, they decided they had to leave. Liam had half-heartedly tried to get Nicholas to stay but he knew better - even before Nicholas had told him off in no uncertain terms - they belonged together now. They asked for and received a small two-man cruiser and set off on their own. They visited with their friends for a while in all three alien races but eventually headed off on their own. They have not been heard from since though they have promised that they will return one day.

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Last modified August 5th, 2002.
Trudy A. Goold/webmaster@t1goold.net