Message From a Friend

by Loui

Earth: Final Conflict is copyright © Tribune Entertainment and Roddenberry/Kirschner. No infringement of that copyright is intended by this story.
"Message From a Friend" is copyright © Loui.
(The poem is one of my favourites and I love the entire concept.)

Renee Palmer sighed as she looked out of the window of her office. The weather outside was absolutely glorious and she was stuck in here. Turning her back on the sunlight, she muttered, "Sometimes life stinks."

Sighing again, she sat down at her desk and stared at her computer console but her eyes just didn't seem to want to concentrate today. Just then, the latest in her long line of personal assistants timidly stuck their head into her office. She swallowed a groan. For crying out loud, Michael looked like he was facing a dragon in its den! One of these days she'd find an assistant that wasn't afraid of her; but then again, that would obviously signal the beginning of the end of the world.

"Yes, Michael. What is it?"

"Uh, a courier just delivered this for you, Ms. Palmer. It's cleared security. Do you want to see it right now?" Michael held up a flat package. Renee raised one eyebrow in surprise. Who on earth would be sending her a package via courier?

"Bring it in, Michael."

Her assistant hesitantly entered the office, handed her the package and then made a hasty retreat. God, give me strength! I'm terrifying an ex-marine!

Stifling her irritation, Renee let her curiosity take over. It was a flat, slightly padded envelope; she could feel what seemed to be another flat object inside. Carefully, she used a slender finger to rip open the envelope and shook it's contents onto the surface of her desk. All that did was add to her confusion. That looked like parchment! Who used parchment in this day and age?!

She used a fingernail to pry open the wax seal and read the message inside. Slowly, she began to smile. How does he always know?


I know you've been thinking about what happened last week and, knowing you as I do, I know you've been blaming yourself.

What happened was not your fault. Do you hear me? It was not your fault!

The Denver cell was compromised from the inside. I know Gail was killed, I know she was one of your oldest friends. I am so sorry, Renee but it was not your fault! I know if it were possible to get the warning to them any faster you would have found a way.

You did not fail them. You did not fail the Resistance and you certainly did not fail me.

I trust you with my life, Renee. I trust you with my heart. You are a very special and remarkable woman, Renee and I feel blessed to call you friend. Now, my friend, I want you to do three things for me.

First - as if I need to tell you - destroy this message after you've finished reading it. Second, go home and get changed. I'll be by at one o'clock to take you on a picnic. You need to get away for a while and I need to be sure that you're okay. Last of all, you'll find a book of poetry on your living room table when you get home. Read the poem I've marked for you.


Heart feeling suddenly lighter, Renee did as Liam had asked.

Renee's apartment

She found the leather bound book exactly where Liam had said it would be. She left it where it was and went to change first. Renee was surprised to find that just the action of dressing for a picnic was beginning to cheer her up. For the first time in a week or more, she felt as though the weight of the world was not resting on her shoulders.

Quietly, she picked up the book, went to a chair, sat down and began to read.

A Friendship Blessing by John O'Donohue

May you be blessed with good friends.
May you learn to be a good friend to your self.
May you be able to journey to that place in your soul where there is great love, warmth, feeling, and forgiveness.
May this change you.
May it transfigure that which is negative, distant, or cold in you.
May you be brought in to the real passion, kinship, and affinity of belonging. May you treasure your friends.
May you be good to them and may you be there for them; may they bring you all the blessings, challenges, truth and light that you need for your journey.
May you never be isolated; but may you always be in the gentle nest of belonging with your anam cara.

Almost absently, Renee wiped away the tears that were streaming down her cheeks and went to answer her door.

Liam walked in and simply opened his arms. Unhesitating, Renee walked into the embrace and let Liam's caring work it's magic.

Eventually, she stepped back and smiled up into his eyes. "Thank you, Liam."

"There's nothing to thank me for, Renee." Shyly, he handed her a small package, delicately wrapped in fine tissue paper.

In a soft tone, Renee said, "You didn't have to get me anything, Liam," and then spoiled that image by eagerly ripping the package open.

Liam just watched her with an indulgent grin on his face.

"Oh! It's beautiful..."

"Look inside," said Liam.

With gentle fingers, Renee opened the locket and read the inscription inside. Liam held out his hands and she gave him the locket to fasten around her neck. With incredibly gentle hands he did so and whispered in her ear.

"Anam Cara is old Gaelic, Renee. It means 'Soul Friend'."

Fingering the locket, Renee placed a chaste kiss on his cheek.

Liam smiled, saying, "Can we go now? I'm hungry!"

Renee and Liam left her apartment and headed off to the park where they spent one of the happiest afternoons of Renee's life.

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Last modified June 4th, 2002.
Trudy A. Goold/