
by Loui

Earth: Final Conflict is copyright © Tribune Entertainment and Roddenberry/Kirschner. No infringement of that copyright is intended by this story.
"Loss" is copyright © Loui.

"Look out!"

Liam Kincaid fell to the podium as someone crashed into him. The sound of weapons fire from the Volunteers filled the air, he tried to scramble to his feet but a gloved hand pressed his shoulder back down. An insistent voice said, "Major, stay down! We're still moping up out there."

"What's going on?!" demanded Liam.

"Unknown, sir. Ms. Palmer is the one that spotted the sniper, if she hadn't you'd be dead. The Taelons are safely on their way to the mothership with Sandoval; it's the security forces that seem to be the targets of this attack. There are four Volunteers dead and more injured."

Horror began to dawn in Liam's eyes. The body slumped on top of him had to be Renee! "Renee... Renee! Answer me!"

When there was no answer, Liam growled out a command to the Volunteer guarding him to, "Let me up. Now! Get a medical team here immediately!"

Eyes betraying the thought that it was too late, the Volunteer did as instructed.

Five minutes later, a pair of Volunteer medical technicians was frantically working to stabilise Ms. Palmer's condition so that she could be transported to the nearest hospital. Both technicians were well aware of the imposing presence of Major Kincaid as he stood as close as he could to Ms. Palmer without getting in their way. The expression in his eyes...

Fernandez looked at her partner, Wang, seeing the same thought clearly present in his eyes. There was nothing they could do; it was just a matter of time. Major Kincaid saw their expressions and closed his eyes, and gave a low moan of grief.

He dropped to his knees beside the dying woman and lifted her gently to rest nestled against his chest. In a quiet voice, he said, "Give us some space, please."

The milling Volunteers did just that, forming a screen of bodies to protect the pair from the prying eyes of the media crews that were clamouring for information as to who was injured and what was going on. They remained close enough to hear the last conversation between Kincaid and Palmer though.

"You're all right," breathed Renee in a raspy tone, relief evident in every word.

Anguished, Liam cried, "Why, Renee? Why did you do it?"

"I had to keep you safe," she whispered. "I love you."

Fernandez stood there, arms wrapped around her as tears slowly made their way down her cheeks. Why did this have to happen? It wasn't fair.

In a voice full of pain, the Volunteers heard Major Kincaid say, "I love you too, Renee. I always will."

"So sorry, Liam," she murmured faintly. "Should have told you before."

"Ssh, Renee... It's all right."

"So tired..."

Major Kincaid gave a deep sigh and then the Volunteers heard him say, "Then rest, Renee. Close your eyes. It's all right. Just close your eyes."

He lowered his head and placed a chaste, gentle kiss on her lips, saying, "Goodbye, my love."

When she was gone, he gently, reverently, lowered her body to the podium. He smoothed a lock of her blonde hair back into place and then, in a monotone, he said, "Get me out of here."

The Volunteers saw the look in his eyes and shivered. The exuberance that was usually present was missing. Fernandez muttered what the others were thinking; "There's no joy in him any more. That just died with her."

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Last modified August 5th, 2002.
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